Monday, September 28, 2009

The Late, Lamented Molly Marx by Sally Koslow

Genre: Paranormal, Chick Lit

Molly Marx watches as her family and friends gather for a funeral. The big problem is that the funeral is hers and she’s stuck in someplace called Duration. She’s only 35 years old with a beautiful 4 year old daughter, Annabel and a plastic surgeon husband, Barry. This can’t be happening. How could she be dead?

That is the question Molly needs answered before she can truly rest in peace. The last thing she remembers is riding her bike and crashing. The police are considering suicide as a possibility, but Molly knows better. Someone killed her and she wants to know who.

Molly watches over her family and remembers some of the things that led her to this point. She knew her husband cheated, but she wasn’t the perfect wife either. She learns quite a bit from her new ghostly position and realizes she made her own share of mistakes. Her one true regret is leaving her daughter without a mother.

This is both a poignant and humorous read. There’s a nice blend of both aspects in this book. The characters are all well-developed and the story moves along smoothly. My only complaint, as an avid mystery lover, is that there wasn’t more mystery involved with who killed Molly. It almost became a footnote to the book instead of the main plot. However, it did work and it was an enjoyable read.

For reading challenges: Chick Lit

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Musing Mondays - Wish Lists

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about your wishlist…

Do you keep a book wishlist, either on paper, Amazon/etc, or via a book database site (Shelfari, GoodReads, LibraryThing)? If yes, do you share this list with others (especially coming up to Christmas)?

This is an easy one. I do keep a wishlist, but mine is all in a little notebook that I carry around in my pocketbook. I don't keep it online. If anyone wants to give me books for a gift, they usually give me a giftcard. The best part of a gift like that is for me to go browsing in a bookstore :)

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict by Laurie Viera Rigler

Genre: Chick Lit, Romance, Time Travel, Paranormal

Courtney Stone awakens in a strange bed, a strange room, with strange people and worst of all in a strange era! How in the world did she get to 19th century regency London? More importantly, how does she get back home to the 21st century in the year 2009?

The last thing Courtney can remember is learning that her fiancé cheated on her and somehow she wound up in the time era of her favorite Jane Austen novels. It takes her some time, but slowly she realizes this isn’t a dream and she truly is in the 19th century. With no apparent way to return home, she settles into the life of Jane Mansfield. After all, that’s what everyone calls her and that’s who she looks like.

As Jane Mansfield, she has to deal with parents who are pushing her into marrying the well-to-do Charles Edgeworth. Courtney is a 21st century woman who does not appreciate being pushed into anything, but she admits to a deep attraction to this man. One humorous scene is when she runs into Jane Austen and tells her what a huge fan she is, but Austen thinks she’s deranged. After all, she hasn’t published any of her work yet!

I listened to the audio version of this and it was such fun as readers watch Courtney try to fit in with the people of the 19th century as well as trying to keep her secret. She fears she’d be instantly committed should she run around screaming she’s from the future. A 19th century insane asylum doesn’t sound very appealing.

I’m not a Jane Austen fan – actually I’ve never read one, but this book made me think I should try one. This is a fast-paced, light book that I enjoyed on audio. I’m also going to check out the print version and listen to the sequel to this one. I want to find out how the real Jane is surviving 2009 in Courtney Stone’s life.

For reading challenges...

Chick Lit Reading Challenge
Paranormal Reading Challenge

Contest Winners!

My two book giveaways have ended and we have winners! All winners were chosen using the List Randomizer.

The Italian Lover by Robert Hellenga

The winner is....................Book Vixen!

Simon's Cat by Simon Tofield

The winners are........

Book Dragon

All winners have been notified by email.


funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Booking through Thursday - Saddest Book

This week's question...

What’s the saddest book you’ve read recently?

My answer...

I'd have to say Made in the U.S.A. by Billie Letts. This is about two kids who suddenly find themselves orphans and all alone in the world. It's about how these two are trying to fend for themselves and avoid being separated by Social Services. If you'd like to read more about it, checkout my review. This book had me in tears through most of it.

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What's on Your Desk Wednesday?

Sassy tagged me for this fun meme...

What's on your desk Wednesday? is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Sassy Brit of . Check her blog out each Wednesday for the post titled What's on your desk Wednesday?

You can do one of two things or both!

1. Grab a camera and take a photo of your desk! Or anywhere you stack your books/TBR pile. And no tidying! Add this photo to your blog.Tag at least 5 people! Come back here and leave a link back to your photo in comments.
2. List at least 5 BOOKISH things on your desk (I'm thinking your TBR pile or books you haven't shelved...) List at least 5 NON BOOK things. (I'm thinking some of some of the more unusual items on your desk/table?) Tag at least 5 people to do the same. Come back here and leave your link, so we can come and visit your blog. Or add your answers in the comments if you don't have a blog.

I don't have my digital camera available, but here's my list...

5 Bookish things...

1. My little notebook of the order some of the book series go in. I read many books that are part of a series and this helps me keep track of which I've read and what I'm up to next.
3. A couple of author newsletters I received in snail mail.
4. The Italian Lover by Robert Hellenga - getting it ready for my book giveaway which ends this week :)
5. The current book I'm reading "The Late Lamented Molly Marx" by Sally Kowslow.

5 Non-Book things...

1. My Weight Watchers point books.
2. My cat calendar
3. My watch
4. A sharpie
5. A notepad

Here are 5 people I'm tagging for this one...enjoy!

Bookin' with Bingo
Desert Rose Booklogue
EnRoute to Life
My Reading Room

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Monday, September 21, 2009

Musing Mondays - Reading Music

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about reading music…

Do you listen to music while reading? Does this change if you’re reading in or out of your house? Do you have a preference of music for such occasions?

No, when I'm reading I prefer silence, so I can concentrate. I get distracted easily :) Sometimes my husband will be playing music from his computer room and I can hear it in the bedroom while I'm reading, but since that's in another room, I can tune out.

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Mailbox Monday September 21st

Not too many this week...

13 ½ by Nevada Barr (for a review)

Hold the Cream Cheese, Kill the Lox by Sharon Kahn

Sunday, September 20, 2009

So Into You by Sandra Hill

Genre: Romance

Former nun turned poker champion, Grace O’Brien is surprised when her best friend Angel Sabato asks her to marry him. She loves Angel, but only as a friend. She’s not ready to take their relationship to the next level. Unfortunately, Angel is heartbroken and has no intentions of hanging around Louisiana to be reminded of what he can’t have, so he leaves town.

Meanwhile, Grace works with the local folk healer, Tante Lulu and together they create a foundation to help victims of Hurricane Katrina who have not been able to get back on their feet since that horrible storm struck their homes years ago. Tante Lulu, who practices matchmaking on the side, uses this opportunity to reunite Grace and Angel.

After being away for a year, Angel decides he’s going to try again with Grace. She’s the one woman he could never get out of his mind and he’s more in love than ever. However, Grace puts up one stumbling block after another. She’s scared to death that Angel will learn about Grace’s secret past and won’t want anything to do with her ever again.

I love Angel. He is everything you’d want in a romance hero. Grace is a strong and fiery heroine, although a few times I wanted to shout at her for hurting Angel. Tante Lulu is a riot. She had me laughing, what a great character. She also appears in other books by Sandra Hill. Overall, this was a fun book.

Friday, September 18, 2009

BBAW: All About Your Blog

Hopefully this week you’ve been visiting a bunch of new book blogs and maybe noticing some things about them you’d like to try yourself. Or maybe you’ve just had some ideas for improvements to your blog you’d like to put into place or new ideas for content. But there’s also probably something you really love about your blog, too, something you’re really proud of. It’s time to show off! Tell us and this is really important, in 50 words or less what you love best about your blog! And then in 50 words or less where you want your blog to be by the next BBAW! Ready? GO!

I love how this blog gives me a chance to keep up with what I'm reading and lets me meet new people in the cyberworld who have a great love of reading as I do. In the future, I'm hoping it all leads me to reading new and exciting books.

Wow, exactly 50 words and I wasn't even trying! LOL

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Free Book Give-Away

Not long ago I interviewed Linda Weaver Clarke. Now, she's hosting a free book give-away at her blog. Here's what she writes...

Hello everyone! My last book in this series, "Elena, Woman of Courage," has just been released. As a celebration, I'm having a free book give-away for the first book in this series: Melinda and the Wild West. This book was a Semi-finalist for the “Reviewers Choice Award 2007.” Go to my blog at and leave a comment on the "Elena, Woman of Courage Press Release" along with your e-mail address. I will announce the winner on my birthday: Oct 2nd.

Head on over and enter to win this great book!

BBAW: Thanks for Introducing Me to This Book

Can you believe it’s already Day 4 of BBAW? Where has the time gone? Well hopefully you’ve discovered plenty of new book blogs to clog up your RSS feed readers and introduce you to more marvelous books throughout the year! But let’s talk about that book you know, the one you discovered only because you read about it on a book blog and then you realized you couldn’t live without it! And then you read it and you loved it so hard! Tell us about it and about the blogger (or bloggers!) that introduced the book to you!

I had to think about this, and try to remember where I learned about the books I've enjoyed this year. The one book I absolutely loved and only learned about it through a blog is The Tyrine Cat by Inbali Iserles. You just knew it would have to be something with cats, LOL. I "discovered" this book from Vivienne at Serendipity I just knew, from reading her review, I'd love this book. So, I contacted the author and was able to get both a review and an interview. So a big thank you to Vivienne!

Booking through Thursday - Recent Enjoyable

This week's question...

What’s the most enjoyable, most fun, most just-darn-entertaining book you’ve read recently?

(Mind you, this doesn’t necessarily mean funny, since we covered that already. Just … GOOD.)

I had to give this much thought and I've decided on Holly's Inbox by Holly Denham. This was fun, LOL, and it left me with that "feel good" feeling I want to have after reading a good book. This book was written entirely in email format and I felt as if I were truly sharing in someone's everyday life.

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Nip/Tuck and Lie To Me Fans

New TV Yahoo Groups

If you love these TV shows, as I do, I just started a couple of new groups to talk about them. Come on over and join us...

Nip/Tuck Fanatics

Fans of Lie to Me

BBAW: You and Your Reading Habits

Today’s it’s all about the creativity. We have this fabulous reading meme for you below and all you have to do? Pick ONE or answer them all in as few words as possible! Be creative, have fun, stand out! That’s all! smile

Do you snack while you read? If so, favorite reading snack?
Nope, I'm too much of a slob and would mess up my books.

Do you tend to mark your books as you read, or does the idea of
writing in books horrify you?
Unless it was a textbook for school, I would never write in a book.

How do you keep your place while reading a book? Bookmark? Dog-ears?
Definitely bookmarks. Lately I've been using postcards from my last vacation. It makes me feel like I'm still on vacation :)

Laying the book flat open?
Nope, never. I'd be afraid of breaking the spine.

Fiction, Non-fiction, or both?
I'd say about 99.9% fiction. Once in a blue moon I'll read non-fiction if it's something that I find interesting.

Hard copy or audiobooks?
I prefer hard copy, but will listen to audio books.

Are you a person who tends to read to the end of chapters, or are you
able to put a book down at any point?
I'd rather wait for the end of a chapter, but if I have to stop in the middle, I will.

If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop to look it up right away?
No, I keep going along. Usually I can figure it out by the content of whatever I'm reading.

What are you currently reading?
So Into You by Sandra Hill

What is the last book you bought?
Shades of Gray and Probable Claws - both by Clea Simon

Are you the type of person that only reads one book at a time or can
you read more than one at a time?
One at a time usually. Although I can read a print book and have an audio one in the car at the same time.

Do you have a favorite time of day and/or place to read?
Usually in the evenings, after work.

Do you prefer series books or stand alone books?
Doesn't matter, I like both.

Is there a specific book or author that you find yourself recommending over and over?
Three authors - James Patterson, Janet Evanovich and Debbie Macomber. My favorites :)

How do you organize your books? (By genre, title, author’s last name, etc.?)
No, real order to anything. Whatever I can fit into a rubbermaid tub. Although, if a book is part of a series, I do try to keep them together. It doesn't always work, though.

If you'd like to find out about Book Blogger's Appreciation week, just click the button at the top of this post.

BBAW: Book Giveaway!

In honor of Book Blogger's Appreciation Week, Socrates' Book Review Blog is having another book giveaway. This is for a book I read and reviewed a while back "The Italian Lover" by Robert Hellenga. You can check out my review. I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

If you'd like to enter the contest, there are just a few simple rules...

1) Comment here that you want to be entered.

2) Leave a valid email address in your comment (I need a way to contact you! No email address, no entry!)

3) For an extra entry, follow my blog. If you already follow my blog, just mention that in your comment.

4) US only (sorry, financial constraints!), no P.O. boxes.

5) For an additional entry: If you follow me on twitter, you'll get an extra entry. Just mention it in your comment!

6) Subscribe to my blog and mention that in the comments, too, for another entry! If you already subscribe, mention that in the comments!

7) If you blog about the giveaway on your blog, you get 5 extra entries!

All entries must be submitted by September 25th, midnight est. I will contact the winners by email. If I don't get a response within 3 days, another winner will be chosen.

All winners are picked by Random

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

BBAW: Interview with b a good read

Today we celebrate Book Blogger Appreciation Week by swapping interviews with another blogger. This was alot of fun! I was matched up with a "new-to-me" blogger Samantha from be a good read. She has a terrific blog...let the interview begin...

1) How did you become a book blogger?

I discovered the book blog world through my writing blog. Surfing around, I realized excitedly that there are many other--as my friends like to say teasingly--read-aholics. So I began to comment around. Eventually, in the late summer (bad timing on my part because of school starting up), I made a book blog of my own. It was nice writing about books I read and receiving comments on the book--much better than my ever-silent journal. She doesn't respond when I talk about a fantastic book, haha.

2) What do you want to get out of your experience as a blogger?

For some reason, most of my friends are science people. So I'd love to make more friends with a passion for books. Also, I hope to work in the book publishing industry someday as a writer, a literary agent, and, eventually, a bookstore owner. Book blogging, I think, will provide me some great insight.

3) How do you pick the books you want to review?

Good question. Most of the book reviews that are currently posted--I chose them because of their first couple of pages. I like to feel pulled into the story, but it doesn't have to be in a very...loud way. Sometimes, however, if the synopsis sounds interesting or I heard good reviews, I'll read it through even if I find the beginning slow. Usually, the story gets better. But the writing--the writing is what hooks me. If the book shows promise in its writing then I'll definitely check it out.

4) What kind of writing do you do?

Besides all those academic papers? Haha. =) Right now, I'm working on the short story and novel form; I want to write Middle-Grade and Young Adult stories mostly. I wrote a few one-act plays back in high school, but prose is my favorite. I also write a few personal essays/articles: I did a small travel piece this month's issue of The Asian Herald (a Southeaster publication).

5) Which blogs do you read regularly and do you have any to recomment?

I follow more writing blogs than I do book blogs, but I'll definitely name a few: GoodBooksInc. is one I follow and definitely recommend for literary readers. They also have a wonderful blog with quotes from the books they read. The Book Smugglers--they have such a great name and great content. There's also Angieville, The Story Siren, and more. Although it's not a book blog, I like to check out Merry Sisters of Fate. I'm obsessed with Maggie Stiefvater's work right now (thanks to Shiver) and, in Merry Sisters, I get to read short fiction by her and other writers. I definitely recommend checking out BBAW directory for more blogs though. =)

6) What advice would you give to someone starting a brand new blog?

Definitely check out other blogs. You can learn a lot from them and, if you contact a few, I'm sure some of them would love to help you get started or even be a mentor. Don't be scared to say hi in the book blog world. Start a conversation with someone. Try out different ways to review; you may like bullet points or sections or whatever. There's no right way of talking about a book you love.

7) Besides writing and reading, what other hobbies do you have, if any?

I love how you added the "if any," haha. Besides reading and writing, I like dusting up on my martial art skills, hanging out with friends, watching movies, doing homework, fulfilling my leadership roles on campus, being part of campus activities, volunteering, and working at my job.

8) How many hours a week do you spend working on your own blog?

Since school started, none. I know--it's terrible of me. I'm still trying to figure out a way of balancing everything I do. And it seems I may be taking on too much..

Before school, however, I spent about 3-5 hours a day on it which was about...21 hours a week at the very least. I didn't have a job then but..I sure do miss summer haha.

9) Have you ever met another blogger in person?

Nope. I'd like to though.

10) Is there any one experience during your blogging time that stands out the most?

When other book bloggers responded to my comments on their blog. I loved finding people to talk books with! It was like a dream come true. =)

Thanks for doing the interview with me! Have a great BBAW week!

Thank you, Samantha, for doing this interview with me and sharing your insights into the blogging world!

For anyone who would like to find out more about Book Bloggers Appreciation Week, just click the button at the top of this post.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Recipe Club by Andrea Israel & Nancy Garfinkel

Genre: Fiction

Valerie Rudman and Lilly Stone couldn’t have been more different than night and day, but also couldn’t have been closer had they been sisters by blood. Lilly Stone had always been the fun one wanting to make it big as a singer, while Valerie was shy with her nose always buried in a book studying to be a doctor. Each girl’s life was shaped and molded by their parent’s influence.

Then, after years of friendship, things take a disastrous turn and the women don’t speak again for nearly 26 years. As the women near 50, their lives are thrown together once more by tragedy and a shocking secret that threatens to shake their world to its very core.

What an amazing book! It is told through emails as well as childhood letters between the women. At ten years old, the girls express their friendship as pen pals and call it “The Recipe Club”. With each letter, they attach a recipe, but they were more than just pen pals, they were “sisters” for life.

This is a fast-paced book that readers will not want to put down. I know I didn’t want to. The recipes each sounded so yummy, I was afraid I’d gain weight just reading them. Not to mention they each came with adorable titles, “Mighty Math Muffins”, “Catcher in the Rye Bread”, “Worry-free Waffles”, “Lovelorn Lasagne”, and “Missing You Warmly Lentil Salad” to name a few.

“The Recipe Club” is cleverly put together and readers will feel as if they are part of Valerie and Lilly’s world. A very enjoyable book that keeps readers captivated to the end.

Since this book truly touched my heart, I’m giving it the Socrates’ Great Book Alert Award.

For reading challenge: A to Z Reading Challenge, Chick Lit Reading Challenge

BBAW: Let's Celebrate Bloggers!

Welcome to BBAW 09!! We are beyond thrilled that you’re here! The book blogging community is truly the best online community there is and while we may have many differences among us, we share a love for books! So let’s celebrate each other and celebrate books.

Last week was fun seeing all the shortlists and visiting some new blogs but now it’s time to make it personal.

What book blogs mean something to you? Who are your most trusted sources for recommendations, your greatest help, the blogger you turn to for a laugh or to vent? Whose writing do you admire or who introduced you to a whole new genre you didn’t know about? We want to hear all about them…because we want to know them too! Please share about the blogs we haven’t had a chance to meet via BBAW and let the party begin!

If you'd like to participate, click the button at the top of this post.

Let's see....there are many, many blogs that are special to me. This is only a small sampling of those that did not make the BBAW shortlist...

The Bookworm - Naida does an amazing job with her blog and she's a romance reader, too!

Serendipity - Vivienne's blog is like spending time with a good friend and sharing the day. Plus, she posts great pictures :)

Bookgirl of Mur-y-Castell - Blodeuedd has very similar reading tastes as I do and posts excellent reviews.

Musings of a Bookish Kitty - You just knew I had to include something with a cat, didn't you? LOL Seriously, though, Wendy's blog has very thought-provoking posts that I love to read.

These blogs are just a small portion of the blogs out there. It's impossible to name all those that I visit and enjoy so much. If I could, my list would have been much longer.

Thanks to all the hardworking bloggers out there - you ALL do an amazing job!

Mailbox Monday September 14th

If you'd like to join in on Mailbox Mondays, just click the button above.

This week I received...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Musing Mondays - Reading Trends

If you'd like to join in on Musing Mondays, just click the button above.

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about reading trends…

Do you find yourself forming trends in your reading? Is this a conscience act, influenced by either your own interests or current publishing fads?

My answer...

I do tend to have reading trends. It's not something I consciously think about, but if I read a certain genre or storyline and enjoy it, then I'm always looking for more to read just like it. It only lasts until I get bored and then the next trend starts :)

At the beginning of summer, I was reading books set on beaches or with a summer-type theme. As we get closer to fall, I'm kind of done with the summer books, although I didn't read all the ones I wanted to. Now with October coming up, I want to read spooky type of books, but that won't last much past Halloween.

For me, it usually has nothing to do with the current publishing fads. I don't always like the latest fad. I end up just getting mad that the publishers are trying to shove their latest hype down my throat. LOL I like to make up my own mind :)

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see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Sister Pact by Cami Checketts

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Savannah Compton and her sister Allison are closer than most sisters. They’d do anything for each other. When Savannah finds her beloved sister lying in a pool of her own blood, she’s terrified. She can’t lose her sister and tries to do whatever she can until the police arrive.

Allison immediately goes into a coma. As Savannah gets her family together at the hospital to await news about Allison, she doesn’t realize she has quickly become the police’s number one suspect. She’s shocked that anyone would think her capable of hurting a woman, who is not only her sister, but her very best friend.

Things take a turn for the worst when Allison is mysteriously being poisoned in the hospital and the lead detective, Noah Schumway, is convinced Savannah is nothing more than a cold blooded killer. However, if this is the case, how could he find himself falling in love with the woman? Savannah turns to Wesley Richins who provides a shoulder to cry on and much needed support during this difficult time, but is he really as good as he seems?

This is a suspenseful mystery that takes the readers through the torture a family goes through upon seeing one of their own near death, the horror of being unfairly accused of a crime and watching two tortured souls fighting their emotions. This is a fast-paced story with characters who are beautifully developed and people readers will care about. This is my first book by Cami Checketts, but it won’t be my last.

Check out her website at Cami Checketts

For reading challenge: What's in a Name? Reading Challenge

H.G. Doyle “The Greatest Detective of all Time” by Craig Venezia

"Blackbeard’s Lost Treasure"
Book 1

This is the first book of the adventures of H.G. Doyle, “The Greatest Detective of All Time”. H.G’s great great grandfather built a time machine, which H.G. now uses to solve all the mysteries of the past, including who cracked the Liberty Bell.

Travel to the year 1718 with H.G. and his best friend, Agatha, in their mission to help Blackbeard find his lost buried treasure. Along they way they fight pirates, battle a T. Rex and run from a very angry Benjamin Franklin.

This is an adorable 36 minute audio book designed for ages 6 and up. Kids will love this and even adults will get a chuckle or two as they follow the crazy antics of H.G. and his sidekick, Agatha. The audio comes complete with wonderful side effects, which make the story come to life.

It’s a great way to keep kids entertained on car rides and gives their parents something to smile about as well. I do hope there are more books in this series as it would be a great collection to give out as Christmas gifts.

If you'd like to listen to a sample audio clip, check out Kids Corner Press

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Booking through Thursday - Recent Informative

Click the button above to participate in Booking through Thursday.

This week's question...

What’s the most informative book you’ve read recently?

My answer...

My first thought was, I don't read anything informative. Most of my reading, I guess, would be considered frivolous. Then I remembered a book I recently read, Confessions of a Trauma Junkie by Sherry Jones Mayo. It was both informative and one of my favorite books this year. It tells us about the real life experiences of an EMT/First Responder, as well as what the medical staff goes through during a crisis in the ER. It gave me a whole new perspective of the stress and anxiety these people go through. Excellent book!

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Book Giveaway: Simon's Cat by Simon Tofield

In honor of Book Blogger Appreciation Week and thanks to the generosity of Hatchette Books, I can giveaway 5 copies of Simon's Cat by Simon Tofield. Being the cat lover I am, I couldn't resist this one.

Simon Tofield's animations have taken YouTube by storm. Now, the feline Internet phenomenon makes his way onto the page in this first-ever book based on the popular animated series. SIMON'S CAT depicts and exaggerates the hilarious relationship between a man and his cat. The daily escapades of this adorable pet, which always involve demanding more food, and his exasperated but doting owner come to life through Tofield's charming and hilarious illustrations.

If you'd like to win a copy for your own, here are the few simple rules:

1) Comment here that you want to be entered.

2) Leave a valid email address in your comment (I need a way to contact you! No email address, no entry!)

3) For an extra entry, follow my blog. If you already follow my blog, just mention that in your comment.

4) US and Canada residents only, no P.O. boxes.

5) For an additional entry: If you follow me on twitter, you'll get an extra entry. Just mention it in your comment!

6) Subscribe to my blog and mention that in the comments, too, for another entry! If you already subscribe, mention that in the comments!

7) If you blog about the giveaway on your blog, you get 5 extra entries!

All entries must be submitted by September 25th, midnight est. I will contact the winners by email. If I don't get a response within 3 days, another winner will be chosen.

All winners are picked by Random

Monday, September 7, 2009

Musing Mondays - Audio Books

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about audio books…

What is your preferred method of listening to audio books? Where and when do you listen to them?

I get my audio books from the library and I only listen to them in the car. I have an hour's worth of driving to and from work everyday, so I figured it would give me a chance to catch up on some reading. It depends on the book, though. Not every audio book can keep my attention. The last one I listened to was Along Came A Spider by James Patterson and that was great. I have to get to the library and see what else they have.

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Mailbox Monday September 7th

Slow week for me, but two good ones...

Daniel X Watch the Skies by James Patterson – audio (contest win)

Cool Cache by Patricia Smiley

If you'd like to join in on Mailbox Monday, click the button at the top of this post.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Everything Sucks by Hannah Friedman

“Losing My Mind and Finding Myself in a High School Quest for Cool”

Genre: Young Adult, Non-fiction, Memoirs

In middle school, Hannah is nicknamed “The Monkey Girl”. She doesn’t fit in with the “cool” kids and is nothing more than a misfit. Her parents pull her out of school for a year to live on a tour bus with her father’s band. This further alienates her from the kids at school.

When she enters an exclusive boarding school, her life is changed forever. She’s suddenly a member of the cool group, buying great clothes and even finding a new guy in her life. Still, life is never perfect and…well…everything just sucks!

Hannah’s life takes one wrong turn after another from problems in school, drug addiction, an eating disorder and a boyfriend she’s really not sure she wants to remain with. This is one woman’s journey from school to adulthood.

This book will bring a smile to your face and a few tears to your eyes. Hannah will be someone you truly come to care about. Her story is told with humor and I’m sure it will strike a chord with everyone who reads it. This book feels more like a friend telling you her life story. It’s not just for young adults, everyone will enjoy reading this one.