“Losing My Mind and Finding Myself in a High School Quest for Cool”
Genre: Young Adult, Non-fiction, Memoirs
In middle school, Hannah is nicknamed “The Monkey Girl”. She doesn’t fit in with the “cool” kids and is nothing more than a misfit. Her parents pull her out of school for a year to live on a tour bus with her father’s band. This further alienates her from the kids at school.
When she enters an exclusive boarding school, her life is changed forever. She’s suddenly a member of the cool group, buying great clothes and even finding a new guy in her life. Still, life is never perfect and…well…everything just sucks!
Hannah’s life takes one wrong turn after another from problems in school, drug addiction, an eating disorder and a boyfriend she’s really not sure she wants to remain with. This is one woman’s journey from school to adulthood.
This book will bring a smile to your face and a few tears to your eyes. Hannah will be someone you truly come to care about. Her story is told with humor and I’m sure it will strike a chord with everyone who reads it. This book feels more like a friend telling you her life story. It’s not just for young adults, everyone will enjoy reading this one.
This sounds very good, especially if it can make the reader both laugh and cry. Great review :)
I couldn't turn this book down because it sounded so unique. I'm normally very picky about memoirs, too. I've heard nothing but good things about this book, and I'm sure it'll make me feel better about my childhood. :)
Diary of an Eccentric