Saturday, December 29, 2012

Know Me Better - 12/29

I "discovered" a "new-to-me" meme that looks like fine. It's hosted by Inspired Kathy at I Am A reader, Not A Writer.

Here's the info...

Each week I will pick 5 questions off of my author interview list to answers.

I invite you to share your answers to these questions as well. You can share them as a comment on this post or share them on your own blog and link up to this post.

This Week's Questions:

Favorite restaurant?
What is your view on self publishing?
How do you feel about banned books? Do you have a favorite?
Are you for or against books being made into movies?
Top 3 things on your bucket list?

My answers...

Favorite restaurant?

There are so many great restaurants and I like so many different kinds of foods. Italian food is probably my favorite so the local pizza places are always good, plus Olive Garden. Yum! Applebee's is good too. The Cheesecake Factory...I could go on and on :)

What is your view on self publishing?

I think it's wonderful and a great way for some really talented authors to get their work out to the public. Of course, like any industry, you have to take the good with the bad...not all self-published books are good, but there are quite a bit out there that are amazing.

How do you feel about banned books? Do you have a favorite?

I'm not a fan of banning books. I believe that everyone has the right to choose what they will read or not read. The only exception would have to be children and reading age-appropriate books, but that doesn't mean they should be banned. Just not made available to children. I don't have any particular favorites.

Are you for or against books being made into movies?

I don't mind them, if done right. Of course that's not always the case but it doesn't bother me if they'd like to try and do a book justice.

Top 3 things on your bucket list?


1. Retire from my full time job and concentrate on my writing. Hopefully someday I'll be published.

2. I'd love to travel around the world. That would have to be after we are retired and can take a few months to do this.

3. Read more from my TBR!


  1. I'd like to get published someday as well! I have to finish writing my book first though. Lol(: Good luck!

  2. I like, "Read more from my TBR!" That one is always on my bucket list and it never gets crossed off :)

    Btw, my name is Ivonne, lol. People call me Vonnie.

    New follower
    Vonnie's Reading Corner


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