Monday, May 18, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday

It's Top Ten Tuesday again.   It's hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

Today's topic is a freebie. We get to choose whatever we'd like. I'm choosing to focus on series books this week. These are books that are part of a continuing series. My regular readers know I love cozy mysteries and most of those are part of a continuing series. My top ten theme this week is series I've started and have been wanting to get back to.   Here are my top ten in no particular order... (BTW, I could have easily gone above ten, but since this is Top Ten Tuesday, I controlled myself :)

For those that don't know, I host the Finishing the Series Reading Challenge - which I've made no progress on this year.  LOL  One of the series I listed as wanting to finish is the Pizza Lovers Mysteries.  I still want to read them, but I couldn't figure out which series on my top ten to replace since I want to read them all.  Since I don't want to break the rules and list 11, I'll just sneak in a plug here...

1) Black Cat Bookshop Mysteries by Ali Brandon (I really miss Hamlet and need to catch up with him.)

2) Klepto Cat Mysteries by Patricia Fry (I loved her first two books and have the others on my Kindle waiting for me.)

3) Cat in the Stacks Mysteries by Miranda James (Definitely need to catch up with Diesel the cat)

4) Pru Marlowe Pet Noir Mysteries by Clea Simon (It's been way too long since I started this series and I have these on my Kindle, too.)

5) Scrapbooking Mysteries by Laura Childs (I loved the first book and want to read more, but there are so many!)

6) A Cats in Trouble Mysteries by Leann Sweeney (Another series I love, but didn't have a chance to continue, but I will!)

7) Mrs. Murphy by Rita Mae Brown (How I got away from reading them I'll never know, but I want to get back to them.)

8) Joe Grey by Shirley Rousseau Murphy (These were my first cat mysteries and I used to read each book as soon as it came out. Reviewing has stopped alot of my usual reading habits.)

9) Coffee House Mysteries by Cleo Coyle (I enjoyed the first few and they are set in New York.  Being a native New Yorker, that always gets my attention.)

10) Hannah Swensen Mysteries by Joanne Fluke (I only read the first one and loved it.  These books make me want to have dessert all day.  LOL)


  1. Love your topic. My continuing quest is to catch up on all the many series that I read. I suspect it will never happen because I keep discovering more. LOL

    And, as to keeping it at 10, well, I often go over - I call them extras. I've only read a couple of these series. I need to catch up on Cleo Coyle's. Am about at the halfway point. I took a tour of Indie bookstores in my top 10 freebie.

  2. I understand your wanting to catch up on series pain. There are so many great ones out there! I've only read one Hannah Swenson book but I loved it and want to read more of them. The Cleo Coyle series is one I want to try - especially since my library just got all of them in digital copies - and the Scrapbooking mysteries are always so fun though I haven't read any in far too long. I also want to try the Ali Brandon and Leann Sweeney series. Great list!

  3. I really like the Scrapbooking and Coffee Shop mysteries. This post makes me think of one I wrote a few days ago about cats being featured in books.
    MY TTT

  4. I got one of the Black Cat Bookshop Mysteries (number three, I think) for my birthday and I've not gotten a chance to read it yet. Glad to hear you like the series. I used to read the Mrs. Murphy mysteries, years ago, but didn't care for the direction some of the later books started taking

  5. It's so easy to get busy and get behind on a series. I have many such series.

    You have several series here that I'm not familiar with, and some that I've actually read. :) I enjoyed the Mrs Murphy series for a long time but then it got repetitive and Brown got preachy so I stopped. I tried the Coffeehouse books and they just didn't work for me but I liked the Fluke books I've read. Now to go check out the ones that are new to me. :)

  6. I haven't read any of the series on your list, but good luck with finishing them! I'm sure you can ;)


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