Friday, September 29, 2017

Friendly Fill-Ins - September 29th

This meme is hosted by Ann at McGuffy's Reader and Ellen at 15andmeowing. Each week they will post four fill-in statements.

Here are my answers to this weeks statements...

Week 73: September 29, 2017

1. I am far too behind in my reading and watching TV.  I'll probably never catch up in this lifetime.

2. To save money, I get alot of freebie books.  I, also, use the library alot.  My book habit can get out of control.

3. People matter(s).  I think that's self-explanatory.  We are all important.

4. The holiday decorations in the stores makes me think they are wishing away our lives .  September isn't even over yet.


  1. Wow...great answers. I agree with you about catching up. I sure never seem to! People do matter; ALL people. I take the holidays as I feel them. Sales have nothing to do with them. Commercialism stinks. Hugs.

  2. Thank you for the words of comfort you left for me on my loss of Phoebe. Also thank you for your weekly participation in the fill-ins, I always enjoy your answers. I get a lot of books and dvds from the library too. I love your answer for #3. I hope you have a nice weekend! XO

  3. I am so far behind on reading and TV watching I will never catch up--and the reading and watching lists just keep getting longer! I think this is my first time visiting your blog. Will certainly be back!

  4. Happy Friday, Yvonne! I enjoyed reading your answers. I am seeing Halloween decorations in the local stores. Soon those will change into Christmas decorations. ;)

    Have a terrific weekend!

  5. I agree with all of your answers. We are book addicts, too, with no hope of ever getting caught up. :)

    Have a blessed weekend!


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