"Get Smart" meets "Ghostbusters!"
Tracking Magic, a collection of short stories by Maria E. Schneider is due out soon in ebook form (Kindle, Nook, Sony, iPad, iTouch, iPhone, laptop, PC, netbook and so on)! As with Executive Lunch, please help the author choose the perfect cover!!!
The first Max Killian Investigation was published at The Town Drunk (http://www.towndrunkmag.com/2007/schneider_clues.aspx) back in March 2007. Since then Max has taken on a few even more difficult cases. Tracking Magic includes the first case, Haunting Clues and four new tales of investigative genius. Or luck, as the case may be!
You're welcome to click on the link above to read Haunting Clues in its entirety before choosing the cover (it's a free read) or just vote for the one that you like best. Here's the back of the book blurb for Tracking Magic:
Five case files from Max Killian Investigations:
Haunting Clues - Max is hired to expel a ghost from a mansion. To deal with the dead, though, he must first uncover the secrets of those still alive.
Curses! - Some days you curse, some days the curse gets you.
Dearly Departed - Max investigates a graveyard, but when it comes up empty, it's his job to find the body-dead or alive.
Roadkill - Max can smell the dead long after they are gone. Of course, it's not too hard to smell the ones that just died, but it could prove to be more dangerous.
Privy to Secrets - Some secrets are worth dying for. The trick is to know which ones make life worth living.
Without further ado, here are the covers to choose from:

"Go vote! at www.BearMountainBooks.com"
If you absolutely *cannot* wait until the cover is chosen, Tracking Magic is on sale exclusively at Smashwords for $1.99 in all formats: .mobi is for Kindle, HTML is for reading on your laptop, .ePUB is for Sony and Nook. There are also formats in PDF and one for the Palm device.
- If you buy a copy now, keep in mind, the cover may change! You'll be able to download the new one when it comes available in about two weeks when voting is concluded and the "chosen" cover is uploaded.
Thank you to everyone who stopped by to vote and also for all the suggestions!!! A cover has been selected. "Tracking Magic" is out at smashwords with the new cover:
It should be up for sale on Amazon tomorrow or Friday. It will appear at the B&N store...as soon as I can get it there!!!
Thanks again everyone. I had a great time with the poll and I hope you did as well!