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This week’s musing asks…
Do you belong to any book clubs — face-to-face, or online? If so, how long have you been with the group(s)? If not, why?
My answer...
I've never belonged to a book club face-to-face mainly because there aren't any around here. However, I don't really think I would like it anyway. I like to read my book, post my review and then go onto the next book. I'm more the quiet type so I don't really add much to the conversation.
As for online, I have belonged to online groups for a few years but I don't really participate much. Mainly because I'm always already on my next book and the book the group is discussing is already starting to fade from memory. LOL I don't really enjoy being on a schedule of what to read and when. It really interferes with things such as my reviews, which end up on a schedule too (which I'm trying to get away from as I just want to read whatever I want, whenever I want).
I do know there are many out there who love book clubs. I don't think they are for me though. I always feel reading is something I want to do on my own, not as a group.

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I've never belonged to a book club either but I do love to chat books.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you ideas...
ReplyDeleteI have so many books to read and so little time, do I really want to be committed to reading one some group decides on? Not so sure I do...
Yeah I probably wouldn't add much to the conversation either. Here's my Musing
ReplyDeleteCathy @ Addicted to Books
I agree. And also think what happens if a book is chosen and I don't want to read it lol. Have a great week.
ReplyDeleteGreat answer! I haven’t joined one, but would love to one of these days, it's always fun talking about the books we love. Thank you for sharing! :)
ReplyDeleteHere’s mine:
I love the picture hahaha. I agree about the schedule thing being annoying. Sometimes I have to skip the book of the month because I couldn't get it from the library in time. My Musing Mondays Post
ReplyDeleteGreat pic! I've never belonged to a book club, either! It's so hard to coordinate many schedules!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy being in my book group--but part of it is the chance to talk about all the books we're reading.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, I like to choose my own reading. And I fully agree with you, I read a book, post my review, and move on to the next book.
ReplyDeleteI have mixed feelings on book clubs...I've belonged to one in the past, and just joined a new one this week. I like having people in person to discuss things with, but I don't always like the books chosen. My biggest complaint is that book clubs seem to feel the need to read "important" books, whereas I think having common interest books should be the focus. I think the one I just joined will be more to my liking, but I guess I'll find out!