Saturday, May 11, 2013

Review: Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich



Random House Audio

Release Date:
June 2012

Synopsis from Amazon:

Where there’s smoke there’s fire, and no one knows this better than New Jersey bounty hunter Stephanie Plum.

Dead bodies are showing up in shallow graves on the empty construction lot of Vincent Plum Bail Bonds. No one is sure who the killer is, or why the victims have been offed, but what is clear is that Stephanie’s name is on the killer’s list.

Short on time to find evidence proving the killer’s identity, Stephanie faces further complications when her family and friends decide that it’s time for her to choose between her longtime off-again-on-again boyfriend, Trenton cop Joe Morelli, and the bad boy in her life, security expert Ranger. Stephanie’s mom is encouraging Stephanie to dump them both and choose a former high school football star who’s just returned to town. Stephanie’s sidekick, Lula, is encouraging Stephanie to have a red-hot boudoir “bake-off.” And Grandma Bella, Morelli’s old-world grandmother, is encouraging Stephanie to move to a new state when she puts “the eye” on Stephanie.

With a cold-blooded killer after her, a handful of hot men, and a capture list that includes a dancing bear and a senior citizen vampire, Stephanie’s life looks like it’s about to go up in smoke.

My thoughts...

Lately I've been disappointed in this series, which is a shame because it was my #1 favorite when it first began. I used to anxiously await the hardcover release and would actually read them immediately. They never went on the TBR pile. Then, I got bored. They felt repetitive. However...this one sort of brought me back to the series. I can't put my finger on the reason (and I'm still getting a bit disgusted with Stephanie unable to choose between two hot men)but I do think listening to the audio version helps me. Now I'm listening to #18 and really enjoying it. That kind of surprised me.

I still love the things Lula and Grandma Mazur blurt out. They have to be two of the funniest characters in any book I've read over the years. They alone make the series worth it to me.

For reading challenges:
2013 Finishing the Series Reading Challenge
2013 Library Books Reading Challenge

Disclosure: I took the audio book out of the library to listen to for my own enjoyment. All opinions are my own.


  1. I haven't read the last couple because of just that. Stephanie was starting to drive me mad not picking and I just needed a break. Really glad to hear it's picking up for you again. I have this one sitting at home and may just give it a try sooner now!! I really do love the series. It was the first one I picked up that really dragged me into reading so my gateway books I guess ;) So will always love them for that :)

    Hope 18 keeps getting better!

  2. At least you are starting to like them again

  3. Yvonne, thank you for your honest review. I like the new look of your blog!

  4. I felt kind of the same way. I can't remember if it was 16 or 17 that I thought was hilarious. The books are definitely repetitive and don't get too hopeful for Stephanie picking between the two guys any time soon. At the end of 19 she still hadn't made any progress there. But I really keep going back to these books because I love Lula and Grandma Mazur like you said. And I definitely love Lorelai King doing the audiobooks!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know


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