Friday, June 22, 2018

Book Beginnings on Fridays/The Friday 56 - June 22nd

This is a fun meme to do hosted by Freda's Voice. If you'd like to join on the fun go to The Friday 56.

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader.
*Find any sentence that grabs you.
*Post it.
*Link it here.

It's that simple.

I'm also joining in Book Beginnings on Friday. It's hosted by Rose City Reader.

I'll be starting this one soon...


The tantalizing odor of pumpkin spice scented the air as Danielle Sloan watched her neighbor Ivy Drake stuff leftover Halloween cookies into her mouth. Dani had gone a little overboard trying out new recipes for the holiday, and as usual, Ivy had volunteered to handle the excess treats.

Friday 56...

From 56% on my Kindle...

"She stole intellectual property."


  1. Oh, yes, the delicious scent of pumpkin spice is drawing me in. Thanks for sharing...and here's mine: “SURPRISE ME”

  2. lol I love that title and the play on words! Fab cover. I don't read many cosies, but they do look appealing!

    Here is mine this week:

    Have a lovely weekend! x

  3. Wonder what kind of intellectual property she could possible steal?! Good 56! Happy weekend!

  4. Sounds good even though pumpkin spice isn't a favorite of mine. This week I have a book that has been on TBR mountain way too long - A Rumor of Bones by Beverly Connor. Happy reading!

  5. I like the cover for this one and the beginning.

  6. I have several Denise Swanson books but have only read one or two and that was years ago. This one sounds like lots of fun!


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