Friday, June 8, 2012

Quilt or Innocence by Elizabeth Craig (Book Giveaway, Review and Interview!)

Cozy Mystery

Obsidian Mystery

Release Date:
June 2012


Retired museum curator Beatrice Coleman moves from her busy and noisy home in Atlanta to the quiet, serene town of Dappled Hills, North Carolina. Not only will she get to spend time lying in her hammock, reading a book and sipping from a mint julep, but she’ll be living closer to her daughter, Piper. Everything seems perfect. Or does it?

Beatrice is quick to learn that Dappled Hills is anything but quiet. She’s immediately dragged into the Village Quilters guild and put to work. The problem is, she has no idea how to do quilting and no great desire to learn. It’s only adding to her stress level while she’s supposed to be relaxing.

When a prominent member of the quilting guild turns up dead, Beatrice becomes more and more suspicious about her new home town. There’s no shortage of suspects, starting with every member of the quilting guild. In an effort to keep all her new found friends happy, Beatrice does some undercover work on her own as she tries to sniff out a killer. 

This is a cozy mystery at its best. I loved getting to know all the wonderful and zany citizens of Dappled Hills.  And, yes, there's even a hint of romance in the air. It’s a one-sitting read that sucks you in from page one. It’s the first of a new series and I’m so glad to get in on the ground floor. It’s a must read for all fans of the genre. This is what cozies are all about!

No doubt it gets 5 kitties from me along with my Socrates Great Book Alert!

FTC Disclosure: The publisher, Obsidian Mystery, provided me with a copy of this book to review. This did not influence my thoughts and opinions in any way. All opinions expressed are my own.

For reading challenge:

2012 Cozy Mystery Reading Challenge


I would like to welcome author Elizabeth Craig to Socrates’ Cozy CafĂ© and Socrates’ Book Review Blog.  Elizabeth is the author of a brand new cozy mystery series “A Southern Quilting Mystery”, with the first book “Quilt or Innocence” recently released.  Her other series, “The Memphis Barbeque Mysteries”, is written as Riley Adams.

Welcome to our blogs, Elizabeth.  Let the questioning begin…

1.     When did you first know you wanted to be a writer?

Like a lot of writers, I knew really early.  I know I was thinking about it in second grade, but I was absolutely convinced it was the path for me in fourth.  I really don’t think I had a lot of choice! I’m sort of a one-trick pony when it comes to talents…but I do think it’s a neat trick.

2.     How did it feel when you first found out you would be published and what was your first published work?

My first published work with a large publisher was Pretty is as Pretty Dies.  I was thrilled!  I’d been sending out query letters and manuscript partials for years and I was so happy that the story was going to get into readers’ hands.

3.     How do you come up with the ideas for your books?

A couple of times, the ideas just come to me.  I get lots of little ideas all the time—usually when I’m driving around town doing errands.  The big ideas used to come to me pretty frequently, too…but now I have to work at them more.  I sit down and brainstorm. I also look over some of the feedback from my readers on previous books—I like to see what they liked and make sure I provide more of it.

4.     Do you have a favorite series or book from your books?
I always love hearing the answer to that question from other writers and it’s disappointing when they’re coy about it!  So I’ll answer. J  From the Myrtle Clover series, I think I’m partial to Pretty is as Pretty Dies.  For the Memphis Barbeque series, I enjoyed writing Finger Lickin’ Dead the most—I just laughed all through that book.  So far I’ve written two books for the Southern Quilting series and I like both of them almost equally well, but I’ll say Quilt or Innocence has a slight edge because I was getting to know the characters and that’s fun for the writer.

5.     Who is your greatest writing influence?
Mystery writer M.C. Beaton is the writer who has influenced me the most…in particular her Hamish Macbeth series.

6.     Do you write any other genres?
Currently, I’m only writing mysteries, although I’d love to branch out some day.

7.     What types of books do you read?  Do you have any favorites?

I’m a mystery reader, actually—I love many different kinds of mysteries from psychological thrillers to noir.  My favorites to read are police procedurals, since they’re a little different from what I write (and I’d rather not read cozy mysteries while I’m writing them.)  Deborah Crombie is one of my favorites and I’ve always loved Elizabeth George, too.  But I read a little of everything—from poetry to literary fiction to fantasy to romance.

8.     Your newest series is based on quilting.  Do you quilt?
I’ve tried, y’all—and I’m hopeless.  I think that’s why I must have written Beatrice as someone who is trying to learn and frustrated at her own progress!  I have huge admiration for the art of quilting and I’ve had quilters in my family…and lovely heirloom quilts.  But no, the talent or patience or both just isn’t there.  Shame on me.

9.     Is Dappled Hills, North Carolina a real place?  Is it based on any specific place?
Dappled Hills is a fictional town.  But observant North Carolina residents might notice an amazing similarity between Dappled Hills and  Blowing Rock, North Carolina (aside, of course, from the omnipresent murders!)

10.  Can we get a sneak peek on your upcoming books?
Absolutely! The next book in the Southern Quilting mysteries will be Knot as it Seams, which comes out next year.  The Dappled Hills mail carrier (and quilt show judge) comes to an untimely demise while on her mail route.  Beatrice investigates—with the help of her neighbor, Meadow, of course!  And I’m currently working on the fourth Memphis Barbeque book, which will also release next year…and it involves a murder of an unscrupulous contractor at the famous Memphis in May festival.  Unfortunately, Lulu’s friend Cherry had a huge argument with the victim right before his death…and Lulu wants to help clear her name.  Although Cherry is rather fond of her new “bad girl” persona!

Thank you so much for visiting with us, Elizabeth.

Yvonne, it was my pleasure!  Thanks so much for hosting me today.


Now, it's time for you to win your very own copy of this book! Thanks to Obsidian for providing this paperback book for a giveaway.

To enter fill in the form below and follow these simple rules:

1) The contest runs from midnight (est), June 8thth to midnight (est) on June 15th.

2) Entrants must fill out the form below.

3) US Residents only.

4) For an extra entry - follow this blog either through GFC or subscribe through email.

5) For an extra entry - Leave a comment telling us if you do anything like quilting, crocheting, etc.

6) For an extra 2 entries blog about this contest on your blog.

I will notify the winner once one is chosen by Rafflecopter. The winner will have 48 hours to claim their book or a new winner will be chosen.

Good luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Great interview! I'm reading the book now and I like it.

  2. I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed this. I have been anxious to read it and was hoping for another good cozy series.
    I enjoyed the interview. It is not often enough that we see cozy authors on the net.
    As far at the contest question, yes, I crochet and have since I learned from a teacher after school in the 4th grade. I try my hand at quilting every now and again. I have made a few full size quilts, but mostly stick to smaller pieces like table runners.

  3. Looks like a great book, I have to say for the contest I don't quilt or crochet, I have no talent in those areas at all :(

  4. cozy & quilts! Love it

    Right now I'm only crocheting. In the past I have sewn, quilted, and counted cross stitched. I hope to get back to them soon, my projects are still piling up ;)

  5. I'm both a knitter and quilter and cozy mysteries are my favorites! This book is perfect for me. Linda
    jlrice. At. 3 rivers. Dot net

  6. I've been hearing a lot about this book, and would love to win a copy to read. My best friend is a quilter also.

  7. I don't quilt myself, but my mom made a beautiful quilt for our wedding present. And I admire anyone who has the patience and creativity to put a quilt together.

  8. This looks like a fun cozy series. I wish I could say that I was crafty, but alas...despite all my attempts I am not:(

  9. I crochet and do counted cross stitch. I've also done regular embroidery and tried to learn how to knit once.

  10. This looks like a fun read!!!!! I am a cross stitcher and a VERY novice quilter. Thank you so much for the chance to win.

  11. It has been years since I have crocheted anything, the last thing I crocheted was a a scarf.

  12. Book sounds great!! I knit still, use to do counted cross stitch.

  13. The book sounds great!
    I don't quilt, I'd like to learn, but life keeps getting in the way - and I can't get to my sewing machine, that room doesn't even have a clear path :)

  14. No crafts involving a needle and thread or yarn---but I do enjoy refinishing furniture and creating a new use for it and a new style.

  15. This sounds like a great cozy mystery! I enjoy crocheting, and wish I knit as well!

  16. I look forward to this series as I enjoyed her Memphas series. I always wanted to learn to quilt and now that I a retired perhaps I can after reading the book,thank you for the opportunity to win this book.

  17. I crochet, but very badly! All I can make is scarves and rectangular blankets :)

  18. I don't quilt but used to sew, crochet and do various types of needlework.

  19. I used to crochet but have let it slip. My mother is amazing so I have a great teacher if I could just get with it and learn! Thanks for the giveaway. The book looks great!

  20. I'm not entering this as I'm a UK blogger, but this looks like a fantastic book! I am quite hopeless at any sort of quilting unfortunately!

    New to your blog!
    Steph @ Stepping Out of the Page

  21. I knit and embroider. Love to do both, they are so relaxing and you have something beautiful after that.

    I have no blog as probably some of your other followers do. I am hoping that we may be allowed a substitution for posting on a a blog. I am tweeting: and posting on my Facebook page:

    Could either way be accepted for posting on a blog?


  22. I have tried to crochet but have not been able to master it yet. Hope to some day.

  23. I am a quilter and I am trying to reteach myself to crochet. Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. I neither crochet nor quilt but I do read!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  25. I crochet a little. thanks for the giveaway

  26. I'm just chiming in to say thanks so much to everyone for the wonderful comments! And thanks to Yvonne for the interview. :)

  27. Hi, I'm the author of a cozy mystery series published by Carina Press. The second book in my Murders by Design Mysteries, featuring an interior designeer as amateur sleuth is due out on June 11. The Monet Murders! For an excerpt of this and the first book in the series, Designed for Death, do visit my web site: Would love to hear your opinions! BTW, would also love to be reviewed on this site. If you're interested, please contact me at Thank you. Have a great weekend.

  28. This looks like a great book! Although I always wanted to try quilting, I never have. I do like sewing and knitting.

  29. Yes one of these days I will read one :)

  30. Thank you for the chance to win. I do not quilt or crochet. My mom and grandma used to crochet and my daughter knows how as well. My grandma used to quilt. I started one 20 years ago but never finished it. I do scrapbooking and cardmaking.

    griperang at embarqmail dot com

  31. This sounds great! And lovely interview as well. Please enter me, thank you.

    I'm an avid crocheter.

  32. I know how to crochet, but it was never my favorite. I've knitted since I was about 4 years old and I embroider.

  33. Thank you for the review, sounds like I book I will enjoy
    jplungas at gmail dot com

  34. I use to crochet, knit and sew, but haven't done any in a long time. Thanks for having the giveaway.

  35. Thanks for a chance to win this book. It sounds like a gread read. I've been embroidering as long as I have been reading. Along the way I've been knitting, crocheting, cross stitching, and needlepointing. In fact, my bookmark reads "A dilema indeed' do I stitch or do I read."

  36. Sounds like a really good book, and have had it on my wishlist a couple weeks now.

    I do not quilt (though a couple sisters do), but I am an avid counted cross-stitcher, and am also a stamper/cardmaker/scrapbooker.

    Since you are drawing over a weekend, I hope I have home access again before the draw--a chainsaw wielding IDIOT took out the power on our street last week, and my computer along with it.

  37. Thank you for the chance to win the book. I love to crochet.
    I write paranormal romance and romance novels. I'll follow your blog if you will follow mine.

  38. Sadly, I cannot even sew a button on without it falling off within two days! lol

  39. I look forward to reading this new series, since I enjoy cozy mysteries and quilting.


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