Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday Salon - First snow fall!

If you'd like to participate with The Sunday Salon, just click the button above.

We finally had our first snow fall - we must have had about 6 inches of the white stuff. Fortunately it's not a work day so I didn't have to worry about getting to work. I just stayed home and did stuff around here...the usual boring household things. Next week our temps are supposed to be around 50 - the weather just doesn't know what it wants to do this year.

This week I managed to finish two books...

Melinda and the Wild West by Linda Weaver Clarke
Shakespeare's Landlord by Charlaine Harris

Both books were good, especially Melinda and the Wild West. What a great book and it's not even my normal reading genre!

I'm currently reading Dogs Don't Lie by Clea Simon...a really good mystery featuring both dogs and cats.

I'm probably going to join The Stephen King Challenge. I've been wanting to read his books again (it's been so long since I've read them)and since this is a perpetual challenge, I can take all the time I want :)

I'm going to be having some blog tours coming up - some will have book giveaways. Check out the schedule on my sidebar.

I do hope you all have a great week and read many great books!

funny pictures - Happy National Hugging Day!
see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our Socially Awkward Penguin lolz!


  1. Wasn't the snow pretty to watch? Good thing you didn't have to drive in it, neither did I.
    Happy reading and enjoy your Sunday.

  2. It was wonderful to have a lazy Saturday morning being snowed in!!

  3. Awww hugging kittens :)
    And yay snow

  4. OLD FOLLOWER.....Stopping by from the Blog Hop.



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