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This week's question...
What’s your favorite hobby OTHER THAN reading?
My answer...
Yes, I love watching movies and TV...is that a hobby? It takes time from my reading so I'm going to say yes :) Also, blogging and doing computer stuff online.
I also like to collect things like Barbies, I Love Lucy stuff, cat stuff and teddy bears.
Now, if I just had time to do everything I like.
There's never enough time to do all we like to do. :)
ReplyDeleteTosh @ Quite Bookish
Ah, we're on a similar wavelength! I love movies, collecting...and I have a few bears...lol
ReplyDeleteHere's MY BTT POST
I love movies and while I don't collect them anymore I used to have a rather large barbie collection. I collected the movie, holiday and around the world barbies.
ReplyDeleteOh doh, here's My BTT
DeleteKnitting is my other hobby and watching tv :) But I do them together so I can feel like I'm getting something done.
ReplyDeleteLove to go to the movies.
I have many of the same hobbies as you, and a few collections of my own (such as cows)!
ReplyDeleteTv and movies here too
ReplyDeleteI like cooking and movies in addition to reading.
ReplyDelete2 Kids and Tired Books BTT
Movies and TV are favorites of mine also :)
ReplyDeleteI like watching movies too, but my other hobby besides reading is crochet.