Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Review: Messenger (A Walt Longmire Story)by Craig Johnson



Viking Adult (Penguin Group)

Release Date:
April 2013

About the Book

Synopsis from Goodreads:

Sheriff Walt Longmire, his long-time friend Henry Standing Bear, and his undersheriff Victoria Moretti are returning from a fishing trip in the Bighorn Mountains when Walt receives a distress call from Crazy Woman Canyon. Forest service ranger Chuck Coon is in trouble. Walt, the Bear, and Vic arrive to find Coon and a young woman up a tree, so to speak. The unlikley duo are fending off three very real bears from the top of a Porta Potty and tell a mystifying story of another dangerous creature inside the “convenience.” When Walt, Henry, and Vic face the creature what they find may be a Messenger from the Camp of the Dead, with a very personal tie to Walt himself.

My Review

This is the third novella of this series that I've read and I really enjoyed it.  I love the mystical aspects of each one, plus I'm a fan of the Longmire TV series, which is what attracted my attention to this series in the first place.  There are nine full length books and 4 novellas, so far.  I only read three of the novellas.  I desperately need to catch up with this series.

I've grown to love these characters mainly from the TV show but, through these novellas, I've come to appreciate them even more.    I just wish they were longer, but then they wouldn't be novellas and it just shows I need to read the full length novels :)

For reading challenges:
2014 ARC Reading Challenge
2014 E-Book Reading Challenge
2014 NetGalley Reading Challenge
Where are you reading? challenge (Wyoming)

FTC Disclosure: NetGalley provided me with a copy of this book to review. This did not influence my thoughts and opinions in any way. All opinions expressed are my own.

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