Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sunday/Monday Posts - April 6th and 7th

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

If you'd like to participate with The Sunday Salon, it is now a Facebook group.

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. This is where we share what we read this past week, what we hope to read this week…. and anything in between! This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from!

Happy Sunday and Monday Everyone!

I'm back!  I've been away for a bit but now I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things.  I managed to review a few books while I was on my blog break and even managed to write up all my reviews.  I have three cozy mystery blog tours scheduled this week for Berkley and there will be giveaways too! 

I have so many books needing to be read and eventually I will get to them.  The good thing is that I've been enjoying everything I've been reading.  As I've said before, I'm at a point where I'm very selective in what I choose to review and I've been making good choices.  LOL

Slowly I will be making my way around the blogs and visiting everyone.  I want to see what everyone has been up to :)

I hope you all had a great week and have a good one this week!


Blog Tours/Spotlights/Reviews/Giveaways 
I Hosted

Tuesday:  Blog Tour:  Bloom and Doom by Beverly Allen (Review, Guest Post, Giveaway)

Wednesday:  Blog Tour:  Death on Eat Street by J.J. Cook (Review, Guest Post, Giveaway)

Thursday:  Blog Tour:  The Whole Cat and Caboodle by Sofie Ryan (Review, Guest Post, Giveaway)

I finished reading...

I'm currently reading...

I finished listening to...

These are the books I'm planning to read in April (most are carried over from March). ...

What was your week like? What are you reading this week?


  1. Sounds like your break was a good one; I'm glad. Did you like Organized for Murder? I did :)

    I want The Whole Cat and Caboodle and I'm curious about Dyed and Gone. I hope they'll be good.

  2. Oh oh!!!! Husband and I are watching Dexter on Netflix. I talked about this a little in my SP & STS this week! I knew the show was based off a book, but I hadn't looked the book up yet. Hope you have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  3. You had a productive break! It is good to step back a bit, isn't it? My way of doing that is not signing up for blog tours for awhile. I am also more picky about the review books I accept.

    Enjoy your new week and those great looking books! Here's MY WEEKLY SUNDAY/MONDAY UPDATES

  4. Welcome back, Yvonne! Glad you were able to catch up on reading and reviewing during your break. Happy blogging!

    My Sunday post:

  5. Keeping up with reviews is nearly impossible! It is for me anyway, lol. Looks like you've gotten in TONS of reading lately. Good for you!

    Have a great week :)

  6. wow you did good on reading this week, and I loved the Dexter books! Happy Reading :)

  7. Glad you had a good break and are enjoying what you're reading- nothing worse than having to slog through something. Good luck w/ the blog tours this week!

  8. I hope you will like all of your April picks. :)
    I'm trying to clear out my ARC list, so I'm reading ones I received via Edelweiss.

    Glass @ Ja čitam, a ti?

  9. Good week for you! Death on Eat Street looks like fun. Tempting Fate is by an author I want to read soon. Glad you enjoyed your time off. I had to take time off for my husband's illness, but I appreciated my blog even more when I returned to it. Have fun this week.

  10. Glad you enjoyed your break! Welcome Back!!! So many books, so little time :)

  11. Welcome back. I have had my eye on the Dexter books.
    I'm currently reading Wolfsangel which is a historical set during WWII.
    Happy Sunday!

  12. lol - I need to check out Death on Eat Street. Hope you can get some more reading in. :)

  13. Wow! You are always ahead of me, reading wise. But I have been enjoying my reading.

  14. Such interesting reads and covers this week.

  15. You got some great titles on tap. The only one I would NOT also read is the Dexter title. Too violent and creepy! I'm a bit of a wimp!

  16. I've just started BLOOM AND DOOM, and I'm already loving it.

  17. Glad to see you back. Death on Eat Street sound good.Have a great week and Happy Reading.
    My Sunday Post is here


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