Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Review: Oy Vey, Maria! by Mark Reutlinger (Blog Tour/Tour-Wide Giveaway)


About the Book

Cozy Mystery
The Wild Rose Press
Release Date
October 27, 2021



Rose Kaplan and her sidekick Ida are at it again. It’s the holiday of Purim, and almost everyone at the Julius and Rebecca Cohen Home for Jewish Seniors is in costume for the Purim play. All except one, who will instead have to be fitted for a shroud. Once again, “Mrs. K” and Ida are called upon to solve the puzzle of a mysterious death at the Home. Described by Chanticleer Book Reviews as “at times more Lucy and Ethel than Holmes and Watson, with a soupcon of Miss Jane Marple,” these geriatric amateur sleuths will keep you laughing, guessing, and maybe even learning a bissel Yiddish!

My Review 

It’s Purim at the Julius and Rebecca Cohen Home for Jewish Seniors.  Everyone is having a great time and most are dressed in costume.  The celebration turns to horror when one of the caregivers, Maria, is found murdered and the manager of the Home is standing over the dead body holding a gun. 

The cops are sure they have an open and shut case, but Mrs. Kaplan and her best friend Ida Berkowitz aren’t so sure.  They are asked to investigate.  It doesn’t take them long to find many people with a reason to kill Maria.  Mrs. K and Ida are determined to uncover the truth. 

This series is the definition of charming.  I’ve read the previous two books and enjoyed those, but this one is even better.  The murder mystery is contained in this book so it’s not necessary to read the first two, but it’s more fun if you do.  The books are narrated in Ida’s voice and she’s such a delight.   

It's a fast-paced, cozy mystery at its finest. I thoroughly enjoyed going with Mrs. K and Ida on this journey to find a killer.  They are a great detective and comedic duo.  I hope we’ll get more books in this series.  I already miss these characters. 

For reading challenges:

Cruisin’ thru the Cozies Reading Challenge 2022
Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge 2022
Cloak & Dagger Reading Challenge 2022


FTC Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a free Advance Reader Copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review.  All opinions expressed are my own.


I picked up one of the nickels from the tray and put it in the slot and pulled the handle again. 

Nothing happened, of course, and just as I was about to do the same with the next nickel, I turned around and saw Mrs. K and Sara staring at me. I felt as if I’d been caught with my hand in the cookie jar. And at my age! 

Suddenly Sara burst out laughing. “Auntie Ida, I didn’t know you were a gambler. Maybe I shouldn’t have brought you here. I hate to interrupt you when you’re winning,” she said looking at the tray with the nickels in it, “but we have to go.” 

I started to explain that I wasn’t gambling and had just sat down for a rest, but neither Sara nor Mrs. K looked like they believed me. 

“You know,” Mrs. K said to Sara, “I think this gambling habit is contagious. Already Ida has caught it. We should leave before we’re all standing in front of those machines losing our money.” 

Mrs. K took me by the arm and helped me up. 

“But don’t forget your winnings, Ida,” she said, scooping out the remaining nickels from the tray. “Gambling may be a bad habit, but a nickel is still a nickel.” 

And so did my gambling career both begin and end in a five-minute period. 

From now on, I decided, a game of dreidel with my grandchildren at Chanukah will be my only vice.

Author Bio and Links

Mark Reutlinger, professor of law emeritus at Seattle University, is the author of the “Mrs. Kaplan” cozy mystery series (of which Oy Vey, Maria! is the third installment) and the caper mystery Murder with Strings Attached, as well as the political thrillers Made in China and Sister-in-Law: Violation, Seduction, and the President of the United States. Mark and his wife, Analee, live in University Place, Washington.


Twitter: @markreutlinger

Buy Links for Oy Vey, Maria!

Tour-Wide Giveaway

Mark Reutlinger will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. 


  1. Looks like one very interesting read!

  2. Looks to be one entertaining read!

  3. Sounds like a fun read. You do reviews very well.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  4. Thanks for hosting my book tour, and for the very nice review. I try my best in this series to represent the types of people I've met, or are even in my family (although none of them committed murder!). I'm very glad you've enjoyed meeting them.

  5. The author is having trouble commenting, so asked us to please leave you a message from him that he appreciates the lovely review and thank you for hosting him!

  6. Sounds like a fun read. Adding to my TBR list.

  7. The title made me laugh. Sound like the book is fun too.

  8. I enjoyed the excerpt, Mark, and Oy Vey, Maria sounds like a great mystery and I like the cover! Thanks for sharing it with me! Thanks, Socrates' Book Reviews, for sharing your review! Have a wonderful weekend!


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