Welcome to another week of Tuesday Thingers! We always love to hear from regular participants as well as new people.
This week we are exploring something totally different and un-Library Thing - we're looking at Glue! I first heard about Get Glue when a bloggy friend won a Kindle 2 from one of their contests! The topic then came up again at the recent Seattle blogger get-together. SO. . . I decided that maybe this whole Glue thing deserved a little attention.
What is Get Glue?
From their Website:
Developed by AdaptiveBlue, Glue enables you to connect with your friends on the web around the things you visit online. Glue is powered by semantic recognition technology that automatically identifies books, music, movies, wines, stocks, movie stars, recording artists, and more. Glue works hard to make it easy for you to find out what your friends think about things you're visiting online.
SO . . . on top of helping you find great books, movies, etc, you can also follow Get Glue on Twitter and play their games to win great weekly prizes. :) If you read some of their recent posts, you will probably find some familiar names winning some of those prizes!
Questions: Have you gotten Glue yet? If so, how do you like it? Do you follow Glue Genie on Twitter? Won anything in their quizzes?
My answer....I heard of Glue, but I never checked it out before. I just went over to their website and it looks interesting, but I'm afraid I'll get addicted. LOL I'm online way too much as it is. Although I Twitter, I don't even do that very often. I prefer spending any online time I have blogging. Actually, I should be spending all my time reading...my TBR is growing and I've become addicted to online games now. So, I doubt I'll be joining Glue - there's just not enough hours in a day.