Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Weekend Review - February 8th-10th

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

If you'd like to participate with The Sunday Salon, it is now being hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading is a meme with a new host!  It's now being hosted by Kathryn at Book Date. This is where we share what we read this past week, what we hope to read this week…. and anything in between! This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from!

I'm also linking to  Stacking The Shelves which is hosted by Team Tynga's Reviews.

Happy Weekend!

I can't believe we are in February already.  I always say time flies and it really does.  The weather here goes back and forth between sun, clouds and cool temps, but I can't complain.  When I lived in New York, it was very cold and sometimes snowy at this time of year.  The rain doesn't even last long around here.  So, I'm happy with whatever I get :)

My DVR is filling up, but lately I'm more into reading than I am watching TV.  I am looking forward to the Oscars tomorrow night even though I've only seen a couple of the movies.  I just like watching the show.  I'm really excited that a new season of Survivor starts this week.  They are bringing back past contestants so that should be fun.

Does anyone have any special plans for Valentine's Day?  We'll probably just go out to eat.  We don't usually make a big deal out of it.

I hope you all have a great week!


Blog Tours/Spotlights/Reviews/Giveaways 
I Hosted

Wednesday: Review: Statue of Limitations by Kate Collins (Blog Tour/Tour-Wide Giveaway)

Thursday: Spotlight: Bitter Alpine by Mary Daheim (Blog Tour/Tour-Wide Giveaway)

Friday:   Spotlight: The Great Iowa Caucus Casserole Mystery by Rae Katherine Eighmey (Blog Tour/Tour-Wide Giveaway)

Blog Tours/Spotlights/Reviews/Giveaways Coming Up Next Week

Monday:  Spotlight:  A Case for the Winemaker by Candace Havens (Blog Tour/Tour-Wide Giveaway)

Tuesday:  Review:  The Third to Die by Allison Brennan (Blog Tour)

Wednesday:  Spotlight:  Murder at the Million Dollar Pier by Gwen Mayo and Sarah E. Glenn (Blog Tour/Tour-Wide Giveaway)

Thursday:  Spotlight:  The Black Cat and the Secret in Dewey's Diary by Elaine Faber (Blog Tour/ Tour-Wide Giveaway)

Posts last week:

Tuesday: First Chapter Tuesday/Teaser Tuesday

Wednesday: Can't Wait Wednesdays

Friday: Friendly Fill Ins

Friday: Book Beginnings on Friday/The Friday 56

I'm currently reading...

I finished reading ...

I'm planning to read this one next...

Here are this week's Kindle freebie haul. They were freebies when I got them, I don't know if they still are. Always make sure to check they are still free before buying. The prices change quickly.  

Blog Tours and Reviews coming up soon...


  1. The Oscars are tomorrow?? Yikes lol- shows how with it I am! And we got a little snow here, speaking of the white stuff, although not too bad. It's been a mild winter really.

    Night of Nine Tails looks fun.

  2. I overlooked the arrival of the Oscars, too. This year I have seen two of the nominated films, both of which I loved, so I feel like I have some to root for.

    We will be putting in our summer garden soon at home. I feel pretty confident that most of our winter is over. I will also soon be heading back to my outdoor swim class at the Y. I'm looking forward to that.

    You have lots of great books, it looks like. I hope you enjoy them all.

  3. I'm looking forward to Survivor this week too. It's the only network show we watch consistently.

  4. Sadly we have no plans for Valentines Day, though I’ll probably make a cake for dessert.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  5. I've been so out of touch with the Oscars over the past few years. Actually it might have been more than the past few years. I just realized the last time I actually followed it was when Titanic was winning it, so that was more than 20 years ago, yikes!

    Enjoy your week! I'll mostly look out for who won the Oscars, the day after. You've got some good reading going on.

  6. Oscars??? Already?? You're right about the year zipping by! Have a lovely week and enjoy your Valentine's meal:)

  7. I only saw season 1 of Survivor. I tried season 2, but it was too similar so we never watched again. We will go out to celebrate Valentine's Day, but not on the actual day- too crowded.

  8. No plans for Valentine's or the Oscars. Have fun watching the Oscars, I hope it's a good show.

    I can't wait to read your review The Third to Die. It's on my wish list.

    Have a good week!

  9. I am not sure I even know what movies have been nominated! LOL I enjoyed The Third to Die.

  10. We're going to our local favorite sushi place for Valentine's Day, they're doing a special menu.

    Enjoy all your new reads! :)

  11. I ignored the Oscars and Im ignoring Valentine's Day. I had a good week with projects. I got Third to Die on audio for review. I've been seeing it everywhere and wanted to try this author.

    Have a wonderful week!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  12. We have no special plans for Valentine's day. It's our youngest cat's birthday. My weekly update

  13. It looks like we are on some of the same tours. I have no plans for Valentine's Day. Just work and go home to a good book:)

  14. Sounds like your new life is wonderful! Are you finished settling in?

    I love the look of your books...and Witness Protection Widow is on my list.

    Here are my Weekly Updates

  15. It's been a while since I read a Harlequin of any kind. I hope you enjoy your Intrigue. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  16. Hope you enjoyed the Oscars, I didn't watch but saw a little of it on TV news. I did go and see JoJo Rabbit so it was good to see Taika Waititi get one.

  17. I really enjoyed The Third to Die. I'll be picking up Witness Protection Widow probably next week. No plans for Valentines, although my anniversary is Sunday, so we may go out for brunch.


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