Saturday, November 19, 2016

2017 What An Animal Reading Challenge Sign Up

Welcome to the 2017 What an Animal Reading Challenge. I began hosting this challenge in 2010, when I took it over from Kristi at Passion for the Page. I love reading books that feature animals and am going to host this one again. I hope you will join me.

The challenge will begin on January 1, 2017 and end on December 31, 2017.

The rules are really simple.  I am changing it up a little bit, on...

1.  Any book read for this challenge has to have an animal that plays a major role in the book (which could be fiction or non-fiction.)
  It also counts if a main character is (or turns into) an animal (define that however you'd like).  In the past, books would qualify if an animal is in the title or on the cover, but that alone no longer qualifies.  This challenge is for books related to animals and just because they are in the title or on the cover, doesn't mean it's about an animal.

These are the levels.

Level 1 - Read 6 books

Level 2 - Read 7-12

Level 3 - Read 13-20

Level 4 - Read 21 or more

2. The animal can be any type of animal (real or fictitious)--dog, cat, monkey, wolf, snake, insect, hedgehog, aardvark...dragon, mermaid, centaur, vampire, get the idea...

3. Challenge runs from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017.

4. Books can be fiction or nonfiction.

5. You may make a list of books at the beginning of the challenge or you can just list them as you find them.

6. Book titles may be swapped out at anytime (assuming you made a list to begin with).

7. Crossovers with other challenges are permitted and encouraged.

8. You don't have to have a blog or write a review, but you can if you want to.
 If you don't have a blog, just post in the comment section that you'd like to join. You can post your books in there. Or you can sign up by joining my group on Goodreads for this challenge by clicking here.

9. Books can be in any format of your choice (print, audio, ebooks)

10.  To sign up, use the Mister Linky below. There will be links for reviews and wrap posts later.

That's it!  Enjoy and have fun!

I'm signing up for Level 2 again and I'll list my books here...

1.  A Fatal Twist by Tracy Weber (Click here to read my review.)

2.  Literally Murder by Ali Brandon (Click here to read my review.)

3.  The Cat, The Lady and The Liar by Leann Sweeney (Click here to read my review.)

4.  The Eye of Nefertiti:  The Pharaoh's Cat by Maria Luisa Lang (Click here to read my review.)

5.  Familiar Escape by Caroline Burnes (Click here to read my review.)

6.  Little White King by Marguerite Steen (Click here to read my review.)

7.  The Black Cat Sees His Shadow by Kay Finch (Click here to read my review.)

8.  Cat About Town by Cate Conte (Click here to read my review.)

9.  A Tale of Two Kitties by Sofie Kelly (Click here to read my review.)

10.  Familiar Trouble by Caroline Haines (Click here to read my review.)

11.  The Christmas Letter by Kathi Daley (Click here to read my review.)

12.  The Counterfeit-Catching Cat by Alannah Rogers (Click here to read my review.)

Sign up using the link below. Sign up in this format:

Line #1 - Your Name (Blog name, if you have one)
Line #2 - Link to your sign up post (please post the direct link to your post and not the link to your blog's homepage.)


  1. Hi, I'm in again. I love this chalenge.

    I'm hosting the following challenges. Let me know if you are interested.

  2. Yvonne, this sounds like a fun reading challenge, although I would probably not even reach Level 1; I am not good at reading challenges!

    Have a terrific weekend.

  3. I'm in again, thanks for hosting!

  4. I love the idea of this challenge. I think I did it once before so I'm glad you're still hosting it. I'll be doing my post this weekend. Thanks for hosting it :)
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

  5. This is one of my favorites! I'm totally on board with the changes and am looking forward to lots of animals in my future!

  6. I discovered lots of cover animals during my 2016 challenge, so I support the change to make sure that 'about an animal' is the only criterion. I'll probably only go for six this year, though!

  7. Happy to be participating again! I am signing up for level one but may bump this up in the future!

  8. I'm so excited to do this one again. I'm aiming a tad bit higher this coming year!

  9. I completed this challenge in 2016 & I'm looking forward to taking part in the 2017 challenge.

  10. Hi Yvonne,

    I just pulled a shelf of animal themed books off of my book shelf so I am thrilled to find and join your challenge!

    Would love for you to post your link-ups at The Book Nook as they become available so I'll know when to post!

    Happy New Year to you! :-)

  11. Just found this challenge so I'm going to give it a try.

  12. Hi Yvonne,

    Just shared my first book for the challenge: A Dog's Purpose at

  13. Thanks for hosting again. Making the challenge harder, I like it. I'm signed up for level 4 again.

  14. My first book focuses on a vet and his assistant. But their treatment of cattle is part of the story.

  15. I'm late in "officially" joining, but can't wait to get started on this one again. Thanks for hosting!!

  16. This challenge will be so fun! I love to read books about animals especially dogs.

  17. I had to change sign-up link. I will list books on a different link and review in Goodreads.

  18. Yvonne-

    I didn't have a dedicated page for the challenge but do now. Can you please change mine from to the following page?

    Sue@Kid Lit Reviews (#10z)

  19. I am also listing books on Goodreads.

  20. Here are my books for the challenge.

    How to Live with a Calculating Cat by Eric Gurney

    My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell

    Plot Boiler by Ali Brandon

    Much Ado About Felines by Kathi Daley

    Legend of Tabby Hollow by Kathi Daley

    Cat of Christmas Past by Kathi Daley

    Tale of Two Tabbies by Kathi Daley

    The Great Catsby by Kathi Daley

    The Whole Cat and Caboodle by Sofie Ryan

    Count Catula by Kathi Daley

    Live and Let Growl by Laurien Berenson

    The Cat of Christmas Present by Kathi Daley

    A Winter's Tail by Kathi Daley

    Murder at the Puppy Fest by Laurien Berenson

    Taming of the Tabby by Kathi Daley

    Frankencat by Kathi Daley

    The Cats of Christmas Future by Kathi Daley


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