Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday Salon - June 10th

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I only finished one book this week, but what a great book it was Quilt or Innocence by Elizabeth Craig. You can still enter the book giveaway for it by clicking the cover on my sidebar.

I'm now reading another cozy, Giving Up the Ghost by Marilyn Levinson. It's off to a good start so far.

Now, for my sad beloved 17 year old kitty Geiger passed away last night. I'm heartbroken. We've had him since he was 4 months. It all happened so suddenly. He was fine a few days ago but then he became very wobbly in the past couple of days. He couldn't walk straight. We took him to the vet and they gave him some meds, but they did an x-ray and said there was a mass in his hind area, but they weren't really sure what it was. They said to see if the meds eased the pain in the next couple of days, but he just collapsed and it was over. It was all so quick. Anyway, if I disappear for a few days, you'll know why. Sometimes I want to talk, other times not. It's been a rough 24 hours.

Here's my little guy...a beautiful, loyal friend...


  1. Sorry to hear about Geiger. I'm sure the next few weeks will be hard. It sounds like he had a good 17 years, though, from which I'm sure you have lots of great memories.

  2. I am so sorry about Geiger. Our pets become like family, they are special that way. My thoughts are with you Yvonne.

  3. Yvonne, My thoughts and sympathy are with you. Am so sorry to hear the news about Geiger. He was much loved for all those years with you.

  4. Yvonne, I am so sorry for your loss of a best friend. I know how hard that is, we lost our 14 y/old calico this past October, and we still expect to see her at our feet when we open the frig:(

  5. Yvonne, I am very sorry about the loss of your beautiful cat, Geiger. We recently lost a cat, Sara, and then our dog, Jenny (both were elderly).

  6. My sympathy goes out to you--it is so hard to lose a faithful friend. The memories of Geiger will be with you forever.

  7. I am so sorry for your loss. Geiger blessed to have such a long happy life with you. They give so much, yet always take a bit of us with them when they go. My heart goes out to you. Peace.

  8. I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your beloved Geiger. Our pets are more important to us then any family member, they love us unconditionaly. I know you are hurting terribly now and I send you blessings of healing through grief. Grive for a pet is real, important and private. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Grive as you need to and honor your dear old friend. Rest assured he knew how great your love was for him as well. My kitty is 16 with kidney disease. I love her more then any family member or human as she has always been present for me when humans never are. They are by our sides from the day then come into our lives and that is what makes the transation so difficult to death. Know you did right by your kitty and when the time is right for you, honor his memory in a way that is meaningful to both of you. Blessings and healing prayers., Lexie

  9. I'm so sorry to hear about Geiger. I know it is difficult to lose a pet who is like a family member and is always there for you.

  10. Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, hugs, and sympathy. It's all greatly appreciated during this difficult time.


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