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This week's question...
Are your book choices influenced by friends and family? Do their recommendations carry weight for you? Or do you choose your books solely by what you want to read?
My answer...
It all depends on who the recommendation is from. If it's from someone who has the same reading tastes, then I'll go with the recommendation. I don't really have friends and family who like to read, so any book recommendations come from fellow bloggers and online reading groups I belong to.
There is a woman who runs a local used bookstore and she often gives me recommendations. I do listen to her since we have the same reading tastes and almost always agree on books.
I don't take reviews from magazines or places like Amazon seriously, though. The reviews have to be from someone I know for me to listen to them. Magazine and Amazon reviews I read just for the synopsis of the book to decide if I'll like it.
Since I've joined the blogging world, the best reviews and recommendations come from fellow bloggers, though.

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I agree that blogs are great places to get book recommendations.
ReplyDeleteGood question. For me it depends on the person and what they read. If their reading preferences are anything like mine - then yes definitely their opinion carries weight. If I know their style is different then mine - then no way Jose. ;) I take it with a grain of salt.
ReplyDeleteBlogs are a great way to get book recommendations. I rely far more heavily on the internet for book recommendations than on family and friends.
ReplyDeleteI agree. I have gotten some great recommendations about books right here in the blog world.
ReplyDeleteHappy BTT!
I've read many book that I would have known about without blogger recommendations!
ReplyDeleteRecommendations are everywhere! I do find a lot of books on blogs, as well as in the NY Times Book Review.
ReplyDeleteIt definitely depends on the person. Most of my recommendations come from other bloggers as well.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you. I get most of my recommendations for what to read from all of you (my fellow bloggers). I've had the opportunity to read some wonderful books that I probably wouldn't have tried otherwise because of book blogs.
ReplyDeleteI agree that book blogger opinions matter...they usually are more exacting in why they liked/didn't like a book.
ReplyDeleteI love your LOL cat. :-) I feel the same as you about Amazon reviews!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, Yvonne. Here is my answer for this weeks answer:
I cant tell you how many books have been added to my TBR List because of you great bloggers. And that's the God honest truth!