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Summer is definitely here in New York! It feels like every other day is a heatwave! The perfect time for me to be in an air conditioned room reading :)
We just returned from vacation in Atlantic City...we love walking the boardwalk, nice weather, shopping and even a little gambling (not much, though). I did get some reading in - Pies and Prejudice by Ellery Adams, which I absolutely loved. Not only do I love cozies, but I'm specifically becoming a fan of culinary cozies and I don't even cook or bake myself :)
We even listened to an audio book on the way - the newest Sookie Stackhouse book. It's good and I have one more disc to go. I'll finish it when I go back to work on Monday.
Right now, I'm reading Firefly Beach by Meira Pentermann. I'm almost finished and I have to say - this book is amazing! I wasn't sure when I'd get around to it, but I've been reading and loving it for the past few days. I'll have a review soon.
I have quite a few blog tours coming up...my schedule is on the sidebar.
Do any of you belong to Catster? If you do, please befriend my fur babies...
We need Catster friends!
So, how was your week? I hope everyone has a great upcoming reading week!

see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our Socially Awkward Penguin lolz!
I hope you will have a great week :)