This week's question...
Which is worse?
Finding a book you love and then hating everything else you try by that author, or
Reading a completely disappointing book by an author that you love?
My Answer...
This took alot of thought because I couldn't decide which one, but I finally came up with an answer. For me, finding a book I love and then hating everything else I've tried by the author. Why? Because when I absolutely love a book, I have to immediately collect that author's backlist. I can't just seem to get one book to try out, I have to get them all. Then when I finally get around to reading them and find I don't like them as much as the first book I read, then I feel like I wasted my money (which I have). Yes, I know, I can just get one book but I'm an obsessive book buyer and have to get them all. LOL
If I read a bad one from an author I love, I'm disappointed, but I realize every author has a bad one now and then.
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I had to think hard about this one too. If I like one book by an author I try to borrow more from the library before buying any - but I agree about the waste of my time and effort.
ReplyDeleteI love the photo!
(the word verification for this comment is "catin"! how appropriate)
Awwwwww!!! Love the kittens :D
ReplyDeleteAbd your answer is so good, I didn't think about that, maybe cos I seldom buy books I havent' read.
Thats such a cute pic.
ReplyDeleteMy opinion is same as yours. I am a compulsive buyer too. But I buy only after reading at least a couple of books by the same author. That does save me a lot of money :)
This is why I won't buy The Host - in case I absolutely hate it, when I loved the Twilight books. I just love the puddy cats pic!
ReplyDeleteI also hate when an author's back library is too similiar, if there are similiar plots and similiar characters then I lose interest.
ReplyDeleteI also immediately collect the back list when I find a new author I like. I guess you could say we have faith! :--)
ReplyDeleteHi Yvonne, thanks for visiting my blog! It is very annoying when you read one book and love it, buy more by the same author and are disappointed. I think we've all done that though, keeps our book shelves nice and full!
ReplyDeleteLove the cats.
I agree with you...I do the exact same thing. When I read a book that I fall in love with, I search for all of the book(s) that the author has written. Sometimes, it has proven to be fruitful!
ReplyDeleteLove the sink kitties!
awwww...cute picture.
ReplyDeletethats a great questions, I think i'd rather read a bad book by a fav author also. I think they are allowed a bad book or two.
p.s. I gave you an award
Gah! I just wanted to say that is one of the cutest cat pictures I have ever seen! :D
ReplyDeleteThis was a hard question for me too!
ReplyDeleteLove the kitties.
What matters to me is whether I'll venture into another book of a new author. It's about building the credit. I do believe in second chances. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm extra cautious about reading another if the author is not good in my book. At least I wouldn't buy it but borrow it.
I'm like you, I can't just get one book from the backlist, I have to get them all!
ReplyDeleteLove the picture.
Glad you all liked the picture. I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like we all pretty much feel the same way about books. Either choice is a bad situation.
Aw, how adorable! Made my day.
ReplyDeleteI do the same thing. Find a new author and end up buying more of their books, thinking the rest will be great. Eek! I've stopped doing that. Thanks for visiting.
I know what you mean. When I read a new author and I really enjoy the book, I get so excited! I also want to rush out and acquire the rest of their books so that I can enjoy them, too. And if they're bad . . .