Genre: Spiritual, Paranormal
Melissa Van Rossum was different than other people. She saw ghosts. She saw them everywhere, including her own home. She didn’t understand this or why it was happening to her, but she learned she had the ability to guide these ghosts to the Other Side.
This book is a collection of the experiences Ms. Van Rossum experienced and the connection she had with each of these ghosts. From a Hollywood sound stage to a grand hotel in New York City, you will share these experiences with the author and hear the stories she learned from these spirits.
This is not the usual type of book I read. It was quite different from my usual fictional books, but I found it fascinating. It’s up to each reader to decide for themselves if they believe in these stories, and I’m not sure I do, but the possibilities make for some interesting discussion and speculation.
The book is well written, a concise account of each episode. There is also a section that explains the process of being a Ghost Guide, what to expect and how to handle the situation.
It’s fast-paced and I was able to read it in one sitting. I found myself captivated with each story and opening my mind to the possibility that this could happen. This wasn’t just a ghost story, this was an emotional personal account from Ms. Van Rossum’s point of view and quite touching, as well.
Ms. Van Rossum created a process called TruAwareness and her first book is All You’ve Ever Known.
I love the cover...but then I do have a lighthouse thing...Is there a ghost in a lighthouse? lighthouses are often said to be haunted.