Saturday, August 18, 2012

On The Island by Tracey Garvis Graves


E-Book (also available in paperback)

Plume Books

Release Date:
July 2012

Anna Emerson, a thirty year old teacher, is living a very boring life in Chicago and is involved in a relationship that is going absolutely nowhere. When she’s offered the chance to tutor a sixteen year old boy on a tropical island, she jumps at the chance. What could be better than a job on a tropical island away from her mundane lifestyle?

T.J. Callahan is in remission from Hodgkin’s lymphoma and wants to lead a normal life, but his parents have other ideas. They want him to spend the summer in the Maldives, where they have a summer rental, and catch up on the studies he missed while he was sick.

Then, Anna and T.J.’s world turns upside down. Their charter flight crashes into shark-infested waters after their pilot suffers a heart attack. They manage to make it to shore, expecting to be rescued at any moment. Days turn into weeks that turn into months and then to years with no rescue in sight.

Alone, Anna and T.J. try to make the best of their situation but between the bad weather, illnesses, and the fear that T.J.’s cancer will return, it’s far from easy. Obstacles are continually thrown in their way and their health is deteriorating. The only thing these two have is each other. As T.J. becomes a man, Anna realizes her feelings for him are more than a teacher and student. Against all odds, they fall in love but their survival is still in danger.

This is an exciting story that felt more like a movie than a book. I could easily see this played out on a big screen. The characters were well-developed and well-written. Readers will immediately feel an emotional connection to them and feel as if they are living through the incredibly difficult situations T.J. and Anna face. A very moving, touching and poignant story that will stick with you long after you read the last page.

5 out of 5 kitties!

FTC Disclosure: Netgalley provided me with a copy of this book to review. This did not influence my thoughts and opinions in any way. All opinions expressed are my own.

For reading challenges:

A to Z Reading Challenge
E-Book Reading Challenge


  1. Becomes a man? How long are they on that island?

    1. They are on the island about 3 1/2 years. He goes from 16 to almost 20 by the time they are off the island.

  2. Sounds like an action-packed story! Excellent review!

  3. Sounds very good, I have this one on my TBR as well. Glad you enjoyed it!

  4. Oh, wow, I had no idea....but this one does sound captivating.


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