If you'd like to play along with WWW Wednesdays, just click the button above.
To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
* What are you currently reading?
* What did you recently finish reading?
* What do you think you’ll read next?
What are you currently reading?
(Really good book - LOL funny!)
What did you recently finish reading?
(I enjoyed this one alot - blog tour on May 6th and I'll have a review and interview then.)
What do you think you’ll read next?

I'll be hosting a blog tour on May 23rd for this one. It's not listed on Amazon yet, but it looks to be another great read.
Enjoy your reading
ReplyDeleteI am reading Letters from Home by Kristina McMorris
not sure what is next I have so many delicious reads begging to be read
Executive Sick Days looks like fun.
ReplyDeleteHere's my WWW:
Executive Sick Days does look like a good one!
ReplyDeleteHere's mine: http://myreadersblock.blogspot.com/2011/04/z-blogging-challenge-letter-w.html
So, Executive Sick Day is that funny. I may have to pick it up.
ReplyDeleteI'm so behind with my reading cause of the flu..It's sad.
Yes, Executive Sick Days is a comedy - it's a funny mystery and I'm really enjoying it.
ReplyDeleteI am reading A THYME TO DIE by Joyce Lavene