Friday, December 28, 2018

Friendly Fill-Ins - December 28th

This meme is hosted by Four-Legged Furballs and  15andmeowing. Each week they will post four fill-in statements.

Another fun week of fill-ins. Here are my answers to this weeks statements...

1. On New Year’s Eve, I plan to be welcoming 2019 at home with my hubby and the kitties.

2. A goal that I have for 2019 is to organize my reading time better. I'm accepting so many reviews that I don't get a chance to read books on my TBR.

3. If I had to choose a guide word for 2019, it would be organization. Besides organizing my reading, I want to finally get this house organized and have things the way I want them.

4. New beginnings can be both exciting and stressful.


  1. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Always good to be home with the hubby and kitties :) I agree, you should read more of what you actually want to. I hope you have a nice weekend and a Happy, Healthy 2019! XO

  2. Great answers. We're spending NYE at home too.

  3. I understand about organizing reading for reviews. It seems like every time Suzanne goes to the mailbox there are more in there waiting to be read and reviewed. Some we asked for, some just seem to come in anyway even though they are not our preferred kind of book. I don't like fiction.
    Have a blessed and safe New Year.

  4. It looks like we'll be bringing in the new year in the same way. I'll be home with hubby and the kitties (and Petra!), too. :)

    How will you go about organizing your reading time? That is a struggle for me. I don't get to sit down for long before someone needs for me to do or get something, so I don't get a lot of book reading done each day.

    Good luck with organizing the house, too. I'm working on the same thing.

    Yes! I agree 100% with your answer to #4. They can also be very scary.

    Have a blessed weekend and a very happy New Year!

  5. We agree with the "exciting and stressful" part of new beginnings. The Tribe and our Female Human will have many new beginnings in 2019 and we're praying they will all be exciting! We wish you all joy and blessings in 2019!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,
    The Tribe of Five & The Female Human

  6. I'm sorry I'm so late to visit. Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! As usual, I can relate to every single one of your fill-ins. I also wish to better organize my reading time and my house this year. Happy New Year!


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