Saturday, June 11, 2016

Review: Black Cat’s Legacy by Elaine Faber



Elk Grove Publications

Release Date:
February 2014

After her messy divorce, Kimberlee Larsen packs up her daughter, Amanda, and heads to Oregon. She’s taking her daughter on a trip to Safari Land and then they plan to start a new life. Kimberlee will need to find a job quickly since her ex-husband isn’t helping with any child support.  It's all up to her.

On their way to Oregon, their car breaks down in Fern Lake. They check in to a motel that happens to be near Kimberlee’s childhood home. They decide to spend a few days where they meet up with the resident Black Cat. Amanda quickly renames him Thumper and the Fern Lake Black Cat Legacy begins.

Meanwhile, author Brett Clarke has also checked into Fern Lake’s motel. He is investigating a cold case – the murder of Mark Lassiter. Lassiter was Kimberlee’s father and she has no idea he had been murdered.  A huge part of her childhood seems to be missing from her memory.

The mention of the murder begins to trigger hidden memories in both Kimberlee and Thumper. Thumper possesses his ancestor’s memories and helps to guide the investigation along. Kimberlee is plagued with headaches that may be connected to the murder.

As the investigation progresses, more and more lives are in danger. Not to mention that Kimberlee and Brett are drawn closer and closer.

This book takes tons of twists and turns. Just when I thought I figured it all out, something changes to make me re-think my guess. I did have a suspicion of how things would turn out and, for the most part, I was correct. I just didn’t have all the details worked out correctly. It truly was fun to play investigator with Kimberlee and Brett.

I loved the setting – an old childhood home, a motel run by scary people – LOL, and a seemingly peaceful lake. A great place to vacation without the murder, of course :)

Then, there’s the handsome black cat, Thumper. He is able to see past events through his ancestor’s eyes. A very unique idea. Thumper is as much a part of the story, maybe even more, than the human characters. Of course I can never have enough cats in my stories – so more Thumper please!

I truly couldn’t put this book down. I had to know what would happen next. Even when I wasn’t reading, I was trying to solve the case. That’s the sign of a good mystery. I already have the next book in the series on my Kindle.

For reading challenges:
Cloak & Dagger Reading Challenge 2016
What An Animal Reading Challenge 2016

I got this one as a Kindle freebie. All opinions expressed are my own.


  1. Strange..I wonder why she is missing parts of her memory

    1. It isn't that she is missing memory. Raised by her aunt, she was never told that her father was murdered. Or so the story goes. You must read it all to enjoy and understand.... saith Thumper!

  2. I read something kind of like this and really liked it. Going to grab this one now. Sounds like a great mystery with something a little extra thrown in. I too have a black cat. She goes by Queen of Sheba. I just call her Sheba. LOL

    1. This is the first of a series of Three Thumper mysteries. Buy all of them. You won't be sorry!

  3. I'm intrigued! The missing memories and the old murder make this sound like an interesting read plus I love black cats!

    1. Don't forget my white feet and extra toes on each foot... the secret to why I have my ancestors' memories and can help solve crimes.. Thumper speaks!

  4. This does sound like a great book.

    1. Better yet when you read the whole story. Hope you will invest $3.99 for a good reading experience.

  5. The cover is intriguing, right? And so is Thumper. Get to know him for just $3.99 at Amazon!

  6. Thanks so much for your lovely review. this was my first book. Now three books later, it's nice to get some promotion for Black Cat's Legacy. Hope you will review Black Cat and the Lethal Lawyer next. If you enjoy BCL, you'll LOVE BCLL!! and then there is Black Cat and the Accidental Angel. Oh my!


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