This is a fun meme and it's hosted by Hilary at Feeling Beachie. Check out her lovely blog, if you'd like to participate.
This week’s statements
1. Banana is my favorite fruit.
2. I know it sounds silly but, I can’t stand leaving my cats while I go to work.
3. The meows of the stray cats remind me to go outside and feed them.
4. I have to kiss each cat before we go on vacation because they know they won't be spoiled until I come home.
(Anyone detect a theme in my answers? LOL
see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our Socially Awkward Penguin lolz!
ReplyDeleteI'm beginning to wonder if perhaps you were a cat in a previous life...what do you think?
I kiss my kitties before I leave for vacation too ;)
ReplyDeleteUm... got the theme... and know the feeling. I have to kiss alex before work, and we have a "cat cam" to watch him while we are at work or traveling....