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This week's question...
What’s the largest your personal library has ever been? What’s the greatest number of books you’ve ever owned at one time? (Estimates are fine.)
Is your collection NOW the biggest it’s ever been? Or have you down-sized?
What’s the fewest number of books you’ve ever owned (not counting your pre-reading years)?
My answer...
I've already said this before, my current TBR is over 10,000 books which is ridiculous. In recent weeks I've been downsizing. There are some books I'm never going to read at this point. As you can imagine, it takes years to get so many books and in those years my reading tastes have changed.
I'm in the process now of downsizing. I've donated books to my local library and other organizations and I haven't even made a dent in getting the TBR down. However, I'm going to keep at it and it will happen eventually.
The fewest books I ever had probably goes back to before I ever went online which would be the early 90's, late 80's. I had maybe 20 books in my TBR. Somewhat more manageable than it is now. LOL
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