Please join me in welcoming author Kimberly Van Meter to Socrates’ Book Review Blog. Kimberly is the author of numerous Harlequin book as well as two recently released steamy, sizzling ebook novellas. Check out my reviews of The Reckoning and A Red Hot Mess
Kimberly is also giving away two complete sets of her Mama Jo's Harlequin Superromance series. Details about the giveaway follow the interview!
Now, on to the interview...
1) When did you first begin writing?
I wrote my first book at 16 but didn’t get serious about the craft of writing until my boys were about 3 and 1. And even after that I wasn’t actually published until 10 years later. My first traditionally published book came out in December 2006.
2) What was the first book you had published?
My first book was THE TRUTH ABOUT FAMILY by Harlequin Superromance in 2006.
3) What made you branch out into ebooks and novellas?
Actually, a friend of mine, Samantha Hunter, had told me of her success with some of her cozy mysteries that she’d self-published when she hadn’t been able to find a home for them with a traditional publisher. She was so tickled with the venture that I knew I had to try. I’d had a few pieces of work that I loved but hadn’t found a good home for yet so I thought, “what the heck” and went for it. And I’ve been ecstatic with the results. Indie publishing has reminded me why I started writing – for pure enjoyment.
4) Your novellas are sizzling, a bit different from your Harlequin books. Is it difficult to write different genres?
Nope! I love switching from one genre to the next. I think it keeps my skills sharp. Writing in different genres forces me to think outside of my writing comfort zone and that’s always a good thing!
5) Are you planning to continue writing for Harlequin?
Oh yes! I love writing for Superromance. I have a new series coming out in 2012 that I’m very excited about: it’s set in the Virgin Islands and we’re leaving on a research trip in July! How fun is that?
6) Do you plan to write more novellas for ereaders?
Oh yes! I’m totally hooked! I already have the next vampire novella planned featuring Savannah, the abducted sister in THE RECKONING.
7) Does Harlequin ever allow paranormal aspects in their romances? Do you plan to add any to yours?
Harlequin has a line called Nocturne that is paranormal in nature but the line I write for is straight contemporary. So, I have to save my bump-in-the-night stuff for my Indie adventures. :)
8) Which genres and authors do you like to read?
I love to bounce around when I read for pleasure; however, it does seem that I read a lot of historical and paranormal. Although, right now I’m reading a romantic suspense.
9) What are your feelings about the sudden boom in ebooks in the past couple of years?
It’s very exciting times. While I love the feel of an actual book, I know that the ebook revolution is here and I’m all for whatever medium encourages literacy!
10) Any teasers for your upcoming books? Anything we should be looking forward to seeing from you?
Here’s an excerpt from my upcoming July Romantic Suspense, SWORN TO PROTECT:
"When was the last time you showered?" It'd been a while. She could smell herself and it wasn't pretty, but there was a small comfort in her own stink. Perhaps if she smelled bad enough no one would come near her.
When she didn't answer, he said, "Never mind. I think I can figure that one out on my own. Come on, it's time to get up and get moving again," he announced, the grim tone telling her he wasn't looking forward to the prospect, either.
"Not today," she answered, clutching a pillow to her belly.
"Yes today," he countered, his firm control back in full swing.
He'd always been such a bossy jerk, she noted almost distantly. "First things first, a shower." Because you smell, is what he hadn't said but she heard anyway.
"I don't feel like it. Maybe tomorrow," she said in the hopes of sending him on his way.
"Today," he repeated, going to her bathroom to start the water.
"Go to hell," she muttered, but there was little heat and he called her on it.
"Say it like you mean it or don't waste my time. Now let's go," he said, his stance hard and unyielding, like a drill sergeant with an unruly private. "It's time to get back into the swing of things and that starts with a shower. We'll work our way up from there."
Her eyes stung. Why wouldn't he go away? "You're cruel. Don't you understand I can't just yet?"
If there was a softening in his gaze, it was gone in an instant.
"You're giving up. That's not the Iris I know."
She closed her eyes. "That girl is gone."
"No. She's just buried under the layers of stink you're marinating in. Now, either you can get out of that bed on your own accord or I can haul you out. It's your choice, but you'd better do it within the next three seconds or I'll make the choice for you."
"Go...to...hell." This time she added more heat as anger started to thaw the frozen tundra filling the landscape inside her.
He offered a harsh smile. "That's more like it but I know you can do better. Time's up." He approached her and she shrieked as she surmised his intent. She kicked at him but he managed in one fluid movement to rip her sheet from her body and toss her over his shoulder.
She screamed and pounded his back, tears blinding her. Panic built until it threatened to choke the air from her lungs. She inhaled a sharp, painful breath, her mouth working to produce sound but something from her blank memory of that night broke loose and strangled her vocal cords until only a soft mewling escaped her lips.
"Don't do this," she gasped, kicking her feet, but he held her securely, thwarting her best efforts, which were pretty pathetic given how weak she felt from not eating or sleeping. "Sonny...please..." she whispered, tears flowing down her cheeks to land on the carpet as he carried her to the bathroom that had filled with steam. "I can't..."
"You can," he disagreed, depositing her in the shower, still clothed in her sleep shirt and underwear. She gasped as the water pelted her. It was at once scalding and soothing. She sobbed, flashes of memory coming to her from that night. She'd sat on the floor of the hospital shower after Mya had examined her, watching as the water washed away the blood and dirt but could do nothing to remove the pain and degradation.
She'd remained in that shower until the water ran cold but by that time she'd become numb. That'd been the last time she’d showered. She shuddered as great, racking sobs shook her body. Sundance seemed on autopilot and was unmoved by her total breakdown. He grabbed the shampoo and squirted a modest handful into her shaking hands. "Start with this," he instructed. "I trust you can handle the rest."
And then he left, closing the door behind him. She stared at the green glob in her palm as if it were her enemy. But in truth, the enemy was the sentinel outside her door, demanding she put herself back together.
Damn you, Sundance. I hate you.
If only that were true...maybe none of this would've happened.
Her breath hitching painfully in her chest, she began to scrub until her scalp ached but just as she knew that night...nothing would ever take away the stain of what had been done to her.
Thank you for taking the time to be with us, Kimberly. I appreciate your time and giving me the opportunity to read your books.
Thank you so much for featuring me on your blog! It’s been great to be here. If you’re not signed up for my newsletter, please do so! You can sign up on my website! Don’t miss out on future excerpts, news, and contests. www.kimberlyvanmeter.com
Now...the bookgiveaway...
Kimberly is offering two sets of her Mama Jo's Boys Harlequin Superromance series to two luck winners! That's three books in a set!
Here are a few simple rules...
1) Comment here that you want to be entered.
2) Leave a valid email address in your comment (I need a way to contact you! No email address, no entry!)
3) For an extra entry, follow my blog. If you already follow my blog, just mention that in your comment.
4) US only.
5) For an additional entry: If you follow me on twitter, you'll get an extra entry. Just mention it in your comment!
6) Subscribe to my blog and mention that in the comments, too, for another entry! If you already subscribe, mention that in the comments!
7) If you blog about the giveaway on your blog, you get 2 extra entries!
All entries must be submitted by June 10th, midnight est. I will contact the winners by email. If I don't get a response within 3 days, another winner will be chosen.
All winners are picked by Random List.org.
Good Luck!