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This has certainly been a weird time for the weather for most of us. I've been much more fortunate than others, but I hope things begin to look up for all of us.
My April reading has been decent...
Here are the books I finished in April, just click on the titles to see my reviews:
Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris
The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs
Mayan Intrigue by Linda Weaver Clarke
Miss Hildreth Wore Brown by Olivia de Belle Byrd (and interview too!)
Haunting Jordan by P.J. Alderman
A Red Hot Mess by Kimberly Van Meter
Driftwood Cottage by Sherryl Woods
Unsavory Delicacies by Russell Brooks
The Shepherd by Ethan Cross (Blog tour and review on May 9th!)
Opal Fire by Barbara Annino (Author interview and review on May 6th!)
That's a total of 10 books and a little higher than my norm. I was hoping to complete one more book, but I didn't finish it until today so I count that towards May's books.
I didn't do very well with my goals in the Spring Serenity Read-A-Thon.
These were my goals...
1) Finish reading Opal Fire by Barbara Annino - Done
2) Finish the audio book Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs - Done
3) Start the 2nd Knitting Club book - Didn't start yet.
4) Read Executive Sick Days by Maria E. Schneider - Done
5) Read Montezuma Intrigue by Linda Weaver Clarke - Didn't start yet
6) Start Midnight Cove by Sherryl Woods - Started, but didn't get very far.
I guess I completed 50% of it and, although the day isn't over, I don't think I'm going to get much further but we'll see.
I have a few blog tours coming this week...check my sidebar for the dates. I'll be posting a review of Executive Sick Days by Maria Schneider later today and I'll have a guest blog post from her as well.
Once again, I'm stressing myself out over the number of reviews I've accept. I have 22. Yikes! I'm going to have to take a breather from them and catch up with what I have to read. I really need to mix in more books to read for my own enjoyment, too.
I hope everyone has a great Sunday and a great week!
see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our Socially Awkward Penguin lolz!
You had a great reading month!